Stop making awful people famous.
Stop making awful people famous.
Wow, that takes me back. I can’t believe I recognized it from the still.
“I have pages, friends, believe me. There is no problem in that department. You can ask my wife. I’m talking lots of pages. Lots. And they are great pages, really, really wonderful pages. Let me tell you, folks, you are gonna love these pages. Love them. But I’m not gonna share them yet. Because these, I don’t think,…
On a cultural level, male voters are alienated by political correctness
Real good catch.
What’s up with NZ? I’ve wanted to go for the scenery. :-(
Wait, who are we talking about again?
It’s apparently a weave which needs pretty regular maintenance. And it was always pale yellow — it’s his skin that’s orange.
Do you seriously think Trump will build “The Wall”?
The problem is, telling people that you’re disgusted with yourself still makes it about you and your feelings.
Yup. I got to that part and I’m #TeamGuyWithTheGroceries.
Are you thinking Janeway and Tuvok, or some other pairing? (I’m rewatching “Voyager” for the nth time right now :-) ).
I did not want to know her grooming habits around them either, yet here we are.
In “Rent”, which was based on it, Mimi has AIDS — a disease which (according to David Rakoff’s blistering takedown) “renders one cuter and cuter”:
3. Hair Thickener. This is not just for your father; thinning hair is more common than not, alas. Rogaine and the like thicken hair and prevent further loss. Be proactive about this. If you want to go the au naturale route, you can incorporate castor oil into your regime instead. Whatever you do, keep the mane game…
“Milk, Milk” ?
At this moment there are two contradictory, devilish trends in play. First, there’s the aforementioned expanding definition of words like violence and bullying, which has done a lot of good on the one hand and on the other made a victim out of the very important concept of victimhood...
That’s the point though — you’ve created an unassailable perspective.