
I would expect that “I feel...” is not so much the cornerstone of religious right positions so much as “The Bible says that...”

Change of jobs, maybe?

Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.

Guess which end he’d be....

I do know that since I have what is considered “ugly” labia.

“Bwog. Bwog is what bwings us togevvah today. Vat bwessed technowogy... vat dweam wivvin a dweam.”

Fair enough, but if you’ve never gotten past the first season, I’d recommend giving it another chance. Avery Brooks grows increasingly more awesome (and complex, and multi-dimensional) over time.

A big budget sci-fi film that is multicultural overall, but the main character is Black, and at least one of the important supporting characters is also Black. The main character is a many-dimensional, complicated human being. Cool stuff happens.

There are not enough facepalms.

Since when is Chinese a “race”?

Interesting compendium of tidbits about “sovereign citizens”:


Thanks! Although now that I re-read it, it was unintentionally heterosexist in phrasing. Gay/bi guys can of course have the same DGAF attitude about the male gaze. Likewise for women whose hair has thinned from alopecia or trichotillomania.

I suspect that the real reason Trump started wearing that “Make America Great Again” baseball cap all the damn time was because someone advised him to cover up his comb-over.

Cos they’re all fucking bald now, like... how are the majority of men bald now?

That. Is. Awesome.

That’s not how thumbs work! That’s not how any of this works!

I’m old and I approve of this quote.

Can never unsee.