Teach everyone, from as early an age as possible, that “active consent” is the only acceptable way to initiate sex with a new partner.
Teach everyone, from as early an age as possible, that “active consent” is the only acceptable way to initiate sex with a new partner.
Excusing the prevailing racism of an era in history is not the same thing as condoning it. It means that you’re aware that cultural factors limited the extent to which people even understood that what they were doing was hurtful. It allows you to appreciate the good despite the bad.
And if it were being filmed now, I’d agree with you. But this was the 1950s. White people were still performing in blackface in Minstrel Shows. The only knowledge most people had of Native Americans was from bad Westerns, Bugs Bunny cartoons, and Peter Pan’s “What Makes the Red Man Red” song:
“I Love Lucy” was filmed in the early 1950s. Pre-internet. Pre-Civil Rights era. Early days of television. The writers’ cultural ignorance is unfortunate, but it can be understood and excused as a product of its time.
Wow. Really sorry to hear that. Would it help you to talk more about it?
Ditto for men who call someone a “SJW” or “Feminazi”. It’s practically like saying “I’m a bitter, frustrated man-child who doesn’t understand why women won’t sleep with me.... waaaaaah!”
@doit2julia was in no way kink-shaming. They said that they could not understand how a person who proports to be a feminist could make porn videos that simulate — and, thus normify — rape.
If only those wicked women hadn’t aborted their babies, each baby could have leaped out of its womb, grabbed a nearby gun, and taken the shooter down.
Well, it is part of their “religion”. Have you seen their Bible? There are all these parts where it talks about when you must put people to death. When will the lamestream media drop their Political Correctness and report the truth??
Throw in Ginger and Mary Ann and we’ll talk.
You. Monster.
BRB, going to some right wing websites to bask in the predictable outrage...
Blackburn’s death has also become a cause celebre among a small group of conservatives who think her killing has been ignored in the national media (it hasn’t) because she was white, and because the suspect seen on a surveillance video was black.
What is your opinion of The National Review? I go to their website pretty much every day. I used to think they were mainstream conservative, but (at least since Sarah Palin ignited the Republican base in the 2008 elections) they seem to have veered hard right into jingoistic, anti-intellectual territory.
“Little Innocent”, by Essence:
To be specific, Selsun Blue or a similar selenium sulfide lotion would do it. Or you could get a prescription anti-fungal.