
I'm too busy throwing up to be surprised.

You know, if you skim the headline quickly and happen to transpose the words "Fucking" and "Loves" like my brain just did, the story seems a lot more interesting...

But ask yourself: what would you think of this guy if his requirement was "no fatties" (which is pretty much the male equivalent to "no baldies")? Would he also be your idol for refusing to compromise?

She said that she wasn't willing to give up the things that she considered important in a relationship (including no baldies)

Indiana Jones and the Giant Pile of Nonsensical Dog Shit

Wait, those are the outfits for this year's Games?

You gotta admin, Billy West does a killer Phil Hartmanesque Zapp Brannigan.


I don't understand this decision at all. My lady coached a performance of the Vagina Monologues a few years back that had one piece performed by four M-to-F trans women. If I remember correctly, the piece was about how difficult it was to relearn even the simplest things like talking when transitioning so as to more

I've spent decades in and around alt communities, accepting all sorts of consensual relationships between two (or more) adults — straight, gay, lesbian, bi, trans, poly, BDSM, fetish, etc, some with large age or wealth or power disparities. Like pretty much everybody here, I would absolutely not want this in my own

You might want to look at, if you have a more liberal leaning on women's issues; it's a fairly mature and educated community, not a lot of trolling or sensationalism. I haven't been to Feministing in a while, so I can't speak to what it's like these days. If you're looking for a moderate or a right-wing

But why do you come here, if you expect to find the site filled with misandry? I can see browsing a site you like, and then calling out a member of the community there who steps over the wrong line; that makes sense to me, and it was done many times in this thread. But if (say) you're a Christian, do you habitually

If "you didn't think your opinion of the Jezebel community could get much worse", then you probably would be happier not coming to this site. Unless you like hanging around strangers you hate, which sounds kind of weird and masochistic.

If that was "exactly what you expected here", then why did you come here? It sounds like you either wanted to (1) reinforce your existing belief that Jezebel posters are anti-male, or (2) find something to be upset about. Or maybe both. Seems odd.

In my experience, the most homophobic individuals are the ones who are not confident in their own sexual identity. Maybe, deep down, Texas is just worried that it might be gay?

What are these "prequels" of which you speak?

Particularly stupid because antibiotics won't help with colds — colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only kill bacteria.

Well, take care of yourself, and remember that you deserve happiness too. It sounds like a pretty awkward situation.

It'll probably happen sooner if you tell him that you'd like to break up but remain friends.

Fox News is obviously trying to make sure that Obama won't be re-elected in 2016.