You mean, that gimmicky pop Boy Bands assembled by promoters solely to appeal to teenage girls will disappear forever from the face of the Earth? Definitely.
You mean, that gimmicky pop Boy Bands assembled by promoters solely to appeal to teenage girls will disappear forever from the face of the Earth? Definitely.
What about anorexia and bulimia? Or doing cocaine to lose weight? Because I know women who have almost killed themselves because of these disorders.
Social media + 3D worlds? Why, it could end up being as big as Second Life is today!
I regularly want to shout this point about the other gender being human beings at guys who have bought into the whole Mars/Venus fallacy and ask, "But what do women WANT?"
My answer nowadays is usually some variation on, It varies on the woman. In general they want the same basic things that guys want: to have fun, to…
The "men" that comment about boobs on Instagram aren't men; they're boys. No matter how old they are. Ignore them.
You have GOT to be kidding me.
Not anymore. :-(…
Yes, even without the clinical terminology ruining the mood, discussing what is/isn't working at the moment can potentially bruise his ego, and turn the encounter sour.
I would not be surprised if some men were threatened, although I imagine that's the sort of guy who would get defensive/angry and say to the gal, "there must be something wrong with you... all my other partners like it".
So awesome! Especially the back of the neck: that's the first time I've heard of someone having an erogenous zone there. :-) I'm guessing your partner found that?
You're very welcome. It's so strange that in this information-saturated age, so many people are still in the dark about their own bodies — and the bodies of their sexual partners.
On the (unlikely) chance that people here are unfamiliar with its internal structure, the clitoris is much larger than you might think. In addition to what you can see/feel on the outside, there are the corpora cavernosa which encircle the vaginal walls, and two armlike crura which extend outwards into the pelvis:
He's got some good stuff on his website. I downloaded a few MP3s and threw some cash his way. New workout music!
A big thing that bothers me about this is that he's limiting her career, telling her that she can't do things that she has already based her professional persona on. He's not saying "you can't sleep with other guys"; he's saying "you can't make music videos with other guys". I mean, why not just tell her what she…
Scarlett Johansson.
I think it's a form of sampling bias. Male comedians have been more successful professionally in the past (especially during those "Henny Youngman" years when women were discouraged from having any independent careers at all), so the average person hears "comedian" and imagines a man.
Carol Burnett had her own damn comedy show for 11 years. Gilda Radner. Judy Tenuta. Roseanne Barr. Sarah Silverman. And Margaret Cho, who as far as I know is still the reigning queen of queer-positive comedic badassdom.
Thanks... I wish this sort of argument didn't need to be made over and over, but there seems to be no shortage of people who don't quite get how the perpetual motion machine of discrimination works.
1. Most famous comedians are men, because...
2. Most professional comedians are men, because...
3. Male comedians are more successful, because...
4. Venues are more willing to book male comedians, because...
5. Most famous comedians are men. Go to 1.
Welcome to the vicious circle of prejudice. Why is that so difficult…
Kelly, I know you meant for us to read your post, but all I can do is scroll up and down looking at ALL THE KITTY PICTURES.