
I swear, it’s like Sony sometimes thinks, “Microsoft is showing their ass!  Quick, they need to see ours!”

I think that is since the PS5's release, not lifetime sales.

Well, it is true that the critique being responded to had this air of:

Booster kinda feels like Wario’s slightly inbred and derpy cousin.

This particular game was never the problem (as others have noted it’s been ported and re-released quite a few times over the years). It’s been any new games that Square has (and presumably still is) unenthused about.

Yeah, I’m not sure where I saw it anymore either, because I went through myself.  I think I might have been telling stories to myself.


They might be, but this nonsense isn’t going to drastically increase their valuation, no matter how much this clown wants to believe it will.

I just want to shake this clown until the stupid stops and tell him that Bezos isn’t going to drop 50 billion on Reddit just because Elon Musk bought Twitter.

She basically acknowledges that they dismantled the ancient Shiekah tech (which is why you also don’t see any Guardians or their remains around).

Just about any Hollywood or Broadway actress from across the years would be able to tell you (and give you no number of personal stories) that people have always been this way, and that the only difference is that we’re hearing it about it more often and more quickly.

This recreation of the Battle of Normandy uses shockingly similar designs and locations as last year’s recreation of the Battle of Normandy.  We’re not going to accuse the latter of IP theft, but we are going to heavily imply it through this article.

The lack of divine beasts is explained, just not outright.  You have to find Purah’s journals to learn of their fate.

I’ve been saying for a while that Sony is the only one still fighting the console wars. Nintendo’s been doing their own thing for a decade at least, and Microsoft really only sees the XBox as one platform for what they have really targeted as important, Game Pass.

So... like pretty much every CD Projekt Red title, you just gotta wait a year and a half or so for them to finish the game they released.

On the contrary; the Legend of Zelda is a perfect fine “basic” story. That’s actually kinda the draw of it. Because everything is so established and everything in LoZ is largely a known quantity, they can go completely ham on the gameplay without having to worry about narrative cohesion or that they need to have

The problem I see with the Legend of Zelda as anything that isn’t a video game is that... well... it is a very simple story. Quite literally every main character in the Legend of Zelda series is a known quantity. You simply can’t have any sort of narrative complexity.

My grandpa liked to call that phenomenon, “The Law of Conservation of Hate.”

That’s... actually not particularly out of sync with the original.

It’s felt to me for a while that Nomura’s team considers the end of the original FF7 to be the “bad ending,” and that this remake is their attempt to make a “golden timeline.”