
I kinda wish Kojima would just move to Hollywood and make movies like he very clearly wants to.

Worst (tied): All of them.

One of the things I did as a DM was for “non-critical” actions to completely forgo any dice rolls, and eventually into any scenario where I could not come up with a compelling reason for failure or any “interesting” consequences for failure (whether comedic or dramatic) I didn’t bother asking for a roll or removed the

I feel for some of the criticism of Baldur’s Gate 3 so hard.

Because they can’t get it from the sort of people they want to get it from.

It sounds like Kojima really wants to work in Hollywood.

Alas, what a terrible moment in time to be literate.

Well, add onto that with the fact that I’d be hard pressed to think of any fighting game where the publisher would be particularly okay with a tournament running a modded version of their title.

The competitive scene didn’t ruin it at all. Both Smash Ultimate and Mario Kart 8 are among some of the highest selling games titles of all time. The competitive scene has been but a blip.

Now, now... it’ll make something resembling sense after the ramifications are hamfistedly wedged into an unrelated storyline in Final Fantasy 7.1285 HD Redux Full Dream Jacket Remix Ultra HD!

I sometimes think the narrative mess that the extended FF7 universe has become is the sort of nightmare scenario that Miyamoto and Aonuma envisioned when they haphazardly slapped a “timeline” for the Legend of Zelda together because fans wanted one, then decided they would give exactly zero fucks about it in the

Yes and no, I’d wager.

It’s actually not at all uncommon for a voice actor to be working on multiple projects simultaneously, especially if they are secondary roles. Mercer was likely auditioning for several roles while in the middle of recording for Ganondorf in Tears of the Kingdom.


Oh come on, now. The city of Boston named an entire team after you guys! Next you’re gonna tell me we’re pronouncing that wrong!

I knew a Welsh guy who loved to tell this joke story.

Because he’s was (and is) doing exactly what the people who make that decision want him to do.

Sounds like they put about as much effort into the trailers as they did the actual game.

They’re also able to tell shareholders to piss up a rope in a way that not too many companies can or are willing to. Remember when Animal Crossing: New Horizons was delayed, and Nintendo lost a quarter of its value? What would normally be a cause for absolute panic with any other corporation was met with a shrug, and

The fundamental problem with trying to “buy” Nintendo is that they are fairly unique among companies in general in that they have “fuck you money.” Most companies nowadays simply aren’t allowed to bank the sort of scratch Nintendo has (shareholders get to pretty much all profits nowadays).