
“Time to admit?”

Apparently, the game producers are on record saying that the main plot is not going to diverge significantly from the original.

The only thing surprising to me is that there were players who thought you actually could. I don’t think SquareEnix has had that sort of carryover for any game they’ve produced.

The problem is that CDPR has been saying that for years. And yet, every single time, their latest project is a buggy mess that takes at least a couple years to get to a stable state.

So... like most CDProjekt Red games, you need to wait a couple years after you bought it to get the game you were promised at launch?

One of Nintendo’s “double-edged sword” traits is their tendency to not make a new [x] unless they can think of some new thing to add or new way to play it.

Yuna in FF10 was an emotional doormat. She existed nigh solely for Tidus to drool over, and her (arguably far more important) storyline frequently took second stage to Tidus’s ridiculous daddy issues.

“Listen, I know there’s this massive creature that is threatening the world, but my dad was disappointed in me!” really

Presuming an actual threat happened (I think that’s the reason for “credible” to be in quotation marks), and not a way to try and cancel things where they would expect to be taken to task by users and clients.

I will acknowledge that in this current timeline, either are possible.

The point is that a game actually using Sugimori’s art wouldn’t look like that, thus defeating the purpose of this entire thought exercise.

Actually, I think that the criticism itself is a great idea. Outlets should be willing to bite the bullet, do reshoots or outright take down videos with erroneous or mistaken data.

How exactly would he have gotten those copies legitimately?

Actually, Frostbite would have absolutely been EA’s directive.  That’s exactly the sort of decision a publisher makes for a studio.

Ya know, every so often, I feel like a handful of Sony execs get together, and one of them notes, “Hey, guys... we haven’t stepped on our own dicks recently. We should probably do that.”

My point is that this one particular criticism of LMG falls pretty flat because pretty much NO outlet would pass that sort of scrutiny.

That in an article about how terrible it is to make corrections as a footnote... Kotaku makes corrections by footnote.

Yeah, I kinda EXPECT that ALL of them cut corners in production.  But the environment that Madison paints (and for the record, she isn't just now coming forward with this) is considerably more disturbing.

But you didn't pull down the article and post it with the clarification, now did you?

The amount of sheer disinterest in how their chosen hobby works is a distressingly unique feature of “hardcore gamers.”

Take the time, fuck the deadlines, balance (as best you can, as developers) your work and life schedules - we (gamers) will still be here when you feel your game is completed and up to snuff. We will pay the money and applaud your efforts.
