
You guys don’t understand! Being poor requires vastly more decision-making to get through your day and the executive center of the brain tires quickly. By removing choice from poor people, he’s easing the burden on their executive centers, allowing them to make better decisions in the choices he’s left up to them.

My introduction to corporate life was working for the dining hall in college. If you called in sick, they wanted a note from a doctor's office. The clinic was at the other end of campus. So, if I'm too sick to work, I'm nonetheless healthy enough to hike up and down the length of the campus to have a doctor certify me

Motto of the League of Assassins: There’s no problem that can’t be solved by killing people at random.

A line written specifically to induce giant nerdgasms across the country.

I kinda love that this could result in banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in Indiana. Talk about a backfire.

Are we sure this is a mistake and not a deliberate poke?

You can do this — if and only if your child feels utterly secure in your love. Otherwise, no,

He should take the job, let Ra's die, hand the League over to Nyssa and go back to his life.

I couldn't watch past the wedding last night because I was tired and cranky and in no mood for their version of Amanda Waller who is a complete psychopath WHY HAS NO ONE KILLED HER YET SHE'S SO EVIL.

Thirty years ago I was a smart college graduate who, like so many college graduates before me, had everything figured out. Fortunately for me, my first job was at Digital Equipment Corporation. They had this thing called VAX Notes and there were a number of social notes conferences, including one for women. It was

"Lively social event" is an apt description of a Monopoly game, if you're doing it right.

Before lunch, I take a short walk to the microwave. That counts, right?

I would be all over this show, only it turns out that brains in general and eating brains in particular are entirely too squick-inducing for me. Please MAKE THE BRAIN PICTURES GO AWAY. Thank you.

Funding is an issue, but not the only one. We know that people perform to expectations; expecting people to be smart or stupid based on race or economic class is a problem. It's harder for a poor child to achieve "success" but that's a separate issue from being smart.

Bobbi and Mack expect Lance to stand against them when they do whatever they're going to do, but they think he would be able to forgive whatever it is after the fact. So it can't be anything too horrible.

Agent Carter is about a bunch of grown-ups acting like professionals and doing their jobs. AoS is about a bunch of ragtag misfits who form a family. May and Bobbi stand out because they're two grown-ups acting like professionals while everyone else is worrying about their feelings and occasionally doing their jobs.

Because one threatens the football program, and one does not.

I was really hoping to see Maggie Q again. Now I have to pin my hopes on Ving Rhames showing up for more than a cameo.

The one unequivocal outcome is that parental warmth is good. Let your kids know that they are loved and valued.

"Plus, Bobbie and Mac continue to hide their true mission from everyone around them." — Hopefully this is generic promo monkey BS, and they actually do something about their secret mission. Because otherwise, it's just going to annoy me: "Here's a plot thread that we're just going to dangle in front of you for a