
I kinda love that this could result in banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in Indiana. Talk about a backfire.

Are we sure this is a mistake and not a deliberate poke?

You can do this — if and only if your child feels utterly secure in your love. Otherwise, no,

Thirty years ago I was a smart college graduate who, like so many college graduates before me, had everything figured out. Fortunately for me, my first job was at Digital Equipment Corporation. They had this thing called VAX Notes and there were a number of social notes conferences, including one for women. It was

"Lively social event" is an apt description of a Monopoly game, if you're doing it right.

Funding is an issue, but not the only one. We know that people perform to expectations; expecting people to be smart or stupid based on race or economic class is a problem. It's harder for a poor child to achieve "success" but that's a separate issue from being smart.

Because one threatens the football program, and one does not.

Alas, I fear she is destined to be like those people in the 90s who went around saying, "No, that's not irony."

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I was in a video store (look it up) when a customer, knowing it was an odd request, asked the clerks to recommend a movie that would introduce children to the idea of kidnapping.

I doubt they'll have a permanent record, although it depends on whether there's a mandatory sentence for whatever they wind up charged with. I would expect a deal where they complete probation and then the charges are expunged. Which means that if asked if they were ever arrested or convicted of a crime, they can

"Oh, there's nothing to do here, I'm forced to get hammered for fun." I never had a problem finding ways to amuse myself without drinking. But then, I never thought that getting hammered would be fun.

If you haul out the big dress and the pageantry, I don't care how you word it in your press release, I'm assuming you're doing it for the princess fantasy. If you don't have a princess fantasy, don't act one out.

"ISIS. Climate Change. Income Inequality. Curls."

I'm a little cranky about Cory Booker getting "weak tea" because he said no to the presidency. I wouldn't want to be president, either. Not to mention, it hasn't been all fun and games for Obama (who I think will be treated well by history, at least).

'Usually the same guys who call it "babysitting" when they're asked to take care of their own children.' RAGE-INDUCING!

The woman who asked nicely for help pronouncing "spaghetti" got a kind answer from her server. The woman who was insulting about the "bread rolls" — who had supposedly eaten them before but failed to detect any non-bread elements — hasn't earned any kindness.

My theory: Maru is the incarnation of the Buddha.

"I never said anything about a funeral." Because only your words can influence whatever point I care to make.

The argument being made is that a funeral is somehow necessary for "closure." In my experience, it is not. Also, I suspect that you are being too general about what my brain can or cannot possibly resolve.

I have, in fact, lost both my parents, and I really don't get the "closure" argument. She's gone. A funeral doesn't change that. A funeral doesn't say, "Okay, you can start being sad now." A funeral doesn't say, "Okay, you can start getting on with your life again." My father died and was cremated in January; we