She set up the team parameters. If she made them so specific that only one set of people could possible satisfy those parameters, and Coulson didn't notice, then clearly he didn't belong back on the job.
She set up the team parameters. If she made them so specific that only one set of people could possible satisfy those parameters, and Coulson didn't notice, then clearly he didn't belong back on the job.
May didn't make Coulson choose Ward, so why would you trust Coulson?
It seems like a stumper, but I'm reminded of the plotting of Nikita. People actually accomplished things, but other forces kept them from being "done." Like when Nikita took down Percy but couldn't just dismantle the Division.
The producers. For example, Fitz has brain damage because they wanted realism. Of course, realism won't extend to an accurate portrayal of brain damage or recovery.
If you're talking comic book super hero based fiction, then don't keep saying "realism."
Field agents had to go through the training academy. The fact that Skye, who has shown no signs of being physically extraordinary, can turn into mini-May over the course of the winter is just another manifestation of her Mary Sue-ishness.
Apparently the term "deceleration injury" doesn't exist in the MCU, so realism only comes up when it suits their dramatic intentions.
I wish the writers weren't such science illiterates. "The military buries its wires." But we can still sit in our SUV and hack them, so what was the point of burying them? So why mention it? Oh, yeah, we have to show that SHIELD has super tech, which is basically magic, because actual tech is so hard, you guys.
I'm going to ruin your poop humor: Dogs and cats navigate by smell. Poop (smelly, smelly poop) is their way of helping you find your way back home. So now your giant pile of dog doo has a sad.
The "Capuchin monkey fairness experiment" is one of my favorite things on the Internet ever.
Somebody needs to spell out for me how being tied to the movie universe forced the TV show to produce sub-par episodes for months. "Oh, noes, we can't tell that story yet." Well, then tell us another story. "Oh, see, we had to put in all our little clues for the big twist." And how did that prevent them from being…
Finally! I thank the cat for teaching her how to carry a bag properly — in the crook of her elbow, not draped across the forearm. God, that was insanely annoying.
I agree that there are aspects that the college is better equipped to handle, but I'm not prepared to give up on the legal system. After all, not everyone goes to college, and those who do spend only a small portion of their lives there.
Some days I think it really would be better for everyone if they did secede.
You are not making that up.
Ah, Texas school food. Is there any other state which offers students "Frito pie"?
Being a geezer, I remember TV and movies presenting the big virginity question in terms of "do I love him"? Which strikes me as the wrong question. Who knows what love is, especially if you haven't been in love before? To me, a better question is, would you trust this person with an embarrassing secret? Because…
I have to have continuity. I want to be transported to another place. Obvious constructs aren't satisfying destinations.
I know! I hit the end of the first paragraph:
I love reading Miss Manners on the subject. "Should I tell my friend she's fat?" "Why? Do you think she hasn't noticed?" If you see something wrong with someone's appearance, the rule is that you can mention it only if the person can immediately fix the problem. Since no one is going to step into another room and…