Chelsea Kennedy


Dang they won’t even let margianlized people have second class citizenship to themselves. What’s next? Men fighting to get paid less? White people asking for equal incarceration? Actually, now that I think about it I’m on board with this.

how can *a gorilla* have more empathy than the entire republican party?

His exact words:

without resorting to gendered slurs

How else do you think these people sleep at night?

“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”

He’s a fake and a phony and I wish I’d never laid eyes on him.

The replies to Roseanne are amazing. She isn’t built for the social media game. She should stick to threatening and bullying people in person.

Why would an asshole shit talk someone for doing anal?

hmm, that lede pic — I’d say Miranda burns relationships and uses the ash to create a *perfect* smoky eye (see how I’m both current and topical with my comments)

Even I, the Platonic ideal of a mediocre white man, don’t agree with myself 100% of the time. It’s honestly closer to like 45-50%.

So, she doesn’t endorse Trump but she would have voted for him if she could have?

You’re right but I would also happily die of pettiness if she changed her bio to “Winner of the Popular Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

For some reason (because I wanted to?) I read it as she “fails at ripping a bong” and now I am entirely let down.

I’d be willing to stay off the internet for half that amount. Will and Jada, call me!

Not a shock that many of these were less about ghosts and more about a violent/intrusive man

Even when supernatural, doggos only do good :’)

Even when supernatural, doggos only do good :’)