Chelsea Kennedy

While they’re at it can they remove the scene where the kid gets sodomized with a broken off broom handle?

HOP HOP HOP into that pussayyyyyyy

Jameela Jamil is the hero we all needed but do not deserve. 

I’m sorry you have to go through that, Tiffany.  It’s not fair, but at least you had the sense to distance yourself from the family and that horrible person.

Ivanka IS a nude pump.

God I dislike Khloe Kardashian so fucking much. Woman, you are THIRTY FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD. Take this mess off of Twitter and grow the fuck up. Also, this cracked me up.

Ah yes. The crowd of kids wearing racist headwear screaming at an old man with a drum were right all along and those of us (and OUR journalists) who watched them do it were wrong. This is a great take and I am quite interested in your opinions on who did what on September 11, 2001.

Why even wait for additional footage? You always believed these little chuds did nothing wrong, and nothing will convince you otherwise. Your last three sentences are just textbook projection- like Laura said, believe your damn eyes. A huge group of rich, oblivious kids doing tomahawk chops and mockingly chanting India

“This black man walked into our drug store and sat at the counter right next to us. We weren’t being aggressive or threatening. We’re the real victims.”

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

Ummm. Okay. I’ll play.

If he REALLY wanted parents to have more time for their kids he’d advocate for shorter work days, more paid vacation time, more paid sick and family leave and a higher minimum wage.

...was enough to make me shrug “fair enough,” and like a movie I probably would have criticized a couple of years ago.

I feel empowered to tell Ivanka Trump to fuck right off.

You’re not interesting because you jerked off in front of women for decades. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn’t get your career ruined by a vindictive creep. You spent 20 years harassing your colleagues and threatening them with retaliation and now I gotta

I have mentioned before that my father dated RBG in high school, then, in college met my mother. The relationship between my parents is much like the Ginsburgs: very equal - always was, and still going strong after 63 years of marriage.

Anyone else here listen to the Cocaine and Rhinestones episode about Spade Cooley?  I was angry all afternoon after hearing it and learning how Ronald Regan pardoned the man for torturing and murdering his wife, then came home to read this.  Ugh.

I’ve been using “clap’s back” for years.

This could be the title of my autobiography.