Michele Reamey

I agree that something is clearly off about this entire thing. It’s a hard time to grow up in now. There isn’t much of a learning curve and there certainly is no grace period. This was a successful, young woman working to meet her goals and still balance the temptations that we have all faced in one way or another

No, the problem is the needless brutality of a female character to gratify not only a male character but also a certain segment of this series core audience. If you don’t agree, ask yourself “would this scene have been filmed if GoT (Dan & Dave) didn’t think there would be a viewer pay off?” No it would not. These

It is a sad thing that many of the hateful comments are coming from women. This "she should be grateful" attitude is disgusting and unfortunately still the norm.

This is an uprising of careful it is a circus out there....

Wait, you still have a radio? Your other points, valid.

Shouldn't that be T-Swiffer?

I do hope that you are serious in your quest to put an end to this harassment. To be honest, I don't come here much anymore. There are too many trolls and I use my real yeah, please get a system in place and also, why hasn't this happened already? This is a long standing issue. Women are people too.

Is this Dov? Just come out with it. Your neanderthal attitudes are staggeringly ignorant. Firstly, the best thing to happen to a journalist, male or female is to be recognized for their work. Secondly, you clearly have no idea the trauma that having someone pull out their junk and going to town can cause. Seriously,

I am not sure that Rini6 was making it "political", but by saying that you make it far too easy to dismiss what was said. Do you really put forward the idea that the poisons that we spew out have had zero effect on this planet? Yes, we do need to make "dramatic" steps, I love how you chose to use another "code" word

The master has left us his words live on, however not on Amazon Kindle. I hoped over to download a copy of 100 Years of Solitude, which they re-issused in March. However it did show up but was unavailable. This morning thinking the master had crashed their server I tried again. Amazon has pulled it from Kindle all

You are not alone. I am that damn Fucking Bitch and I earned that Shit

Dude, I took a moment and checked out your other ...words. You seem to enjoy engaging females, mostly to try and degrade or insult them with your fount of junior high comments. Apparently, you did not read the masthead for this site....Oh wait, you did, and that is why you are here. You need attention from women.

Hey idiot, stop going to Florida with your pals hitting on teenagers...there is not enough alcohol in the world that would hide your age or shortcomings. Take a hint, if women in your own age bracket don't want you chances are no one else does either...All you are is a walking wallet loser...shuffle off now...nothing

No idiot....go read it again...fool

No, you are. Liquid courage...ever hear of it? And orgies...really? You are an idiot and probably way too old to be trolling here. Your chosen moniker says it all.

Pixie, count yourself lucky. I started fending off the father's of kids I babysat for at about....12 ish...and it only got worse. At 16 it was a 36 year old we had to call the cops on to get rid of. These men are not a novelty. They are everywhere and they scare the hell out of teenage girls/young women. I have seen somehow BEFORE these idiots ever booked their trips the much younger females are already responsible for their behavior? What? So, these "men" are lured to exotic locals such as....the beaches of the promise of teenage sex kittens just begging for their well aged catnip....Yes, blame the

Yes. This is why they call grown women "girls" and encourage us to call ourselves the same. Because you know being a woman is just too darn scary for a man to have to deal with. We are back to school girl socks and little girl skirts. It is so tiresome. There is nothing fashionable about violence and really, do we

There was never enough room in that relationship for three...Chris, Gwyneth and Gwyneth's ego. Global's really just Gwyneth

You are honest and wise. Thank you for saying this. He is a disgusting, abusive individual who uses a camera as a vehicle to further his extensive history of preying on young vulnerable models. All those people outraged about Kimya on the cover of about getting indignant about something that is actually