There was an old saying about the Braves and their pitching staff whenever the playoffs rolled around in the 90's.
There was an old saying about the Braves and their pitching staff whenever the playoffs rolled around in the 90's.
Yeah so... This is a silly stretch. Because while I absolutely agree that GG has a deep influence on how this sort of reactionary shit operates now, this isn’t GG.
If this was done at Deadspin there would already be two Pulitzer-caliber op-eds about mismanagement in the Internet age and a list of the worst athlete endorsements ever... used solely as a way to make a joke about Joe Montana in Skechers Shape-Ups.
Fuck HR with a rusty rake.
And on that 14th time.... Well, you're not gonna fool me again
I believe the saying is, “Fool me 13 times.............................I won’t get fooled again.”
FanTAStic Kinja handle
Make all pro golfers take their shots with no practice swings, or setup, or club changing, once you get within a 10 yard radius of the ball you have to hit it within 15 seconds. Also the courses should be infested with hungry weasels, 12 foot, one-eyed gators, and at least a dozen cougars dragging around electrified…