
Been 7 times. Generally, everyone is fit. Young,old, whatever. You go to celebrate neat things and being able to live in a hostile environment while tripping balls while looking at cool art and pretty bodies in costumes. There are worse ways to spend your time and money.

My tortoise, Moses, is the most feminist woke reptile ever. Nobody is more feminist than him!

I think that the least we should do, and this is common sense: regulate guns like we do cars. Pass a test, get a licence, and insure it. Why are cars treated different than guns? I have guns and I think gun laws are ludicrous at best. Ef the NRA.

Well, I voted for brohemian. Meet me at the pool for some shots!

It’s no double rainbow, dude. Chillout.

Curry has video game mode shot selection, Durant makes it look too easy, Lebron is a fucking beast, but Westbrook plays like you just insulted his mother. We all win having them in the conference finals.

Durant and Curry have that silky smooth shot making ability, whereas Westbrook actively destroys the hoop, even from three. D and C make it look easy, but W makes it look nasty.

And just think of all the glorious trouble the athletes and coaches and visiting teams can get up to after hours. I am 100% + the vig behind this.

Here in the rural northwest, it is always “discount steaks” the restaurant didn’t buy. Crappy filet mignon wrapped in bacon for US $10. Not even a good deal.

Fabulous Trump!


Uh, not to be callous but why does she have elf ears?

Moses says hi to your kitteh. Erin go bragh!

I was a Supersonics fan from way back, and I grew to loath coach Carl and his horrible play calling, his not playing talented rookies, and his get off my lawn attitude. In short, I’m on team boogie for this one.

I only starred for the reference.

Wow, those impulse buy items set by the door really work, eh? At least two stopped and grabbed some.

So, I might be way off base here, but I honestly think that Trump would make a better president than any of those other evil bozos. I get the impression that he only spouts that nonsense because the republican base eats that shit right up. At the very least we would be entertained by his fiddling as the world burns.

In middle school, that was referred to as 7 seconds of heaven. In this case, I believe that they got the wrong realm.

Actually, you mean minisig.

I’m pretty sure that if octopuses lived as long as humans, they would rule the earth. We would be the subjugate species, farming tasty snacks and manufacturing their weird technology. I might be O.K. with that. All hail Kong.