
Then again, Kanye is the guy who thought Tyga was smart for “getting in early” when Kylie was still a minor so...

kanye just wants publicity for his new album. he’s probably laughing at all the responses.

Kim and Kanye: She’s Ridic and he’s a Dick.

Have there ever been any smart bachelors?

If you have not yet seen the ‘bland man’ sketch from SNL, I highly recommend it :)


There really was no reason for him to take the rose with him to dump Olivia. My guess: producer prompting.

So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?

If my (nonexistent) boyfriend got me a cream to make my ass and my boobs bigger for Valentines Day, I would seriously reconsider the relationship. Nothing says romance like, “Your ass and tits could use a little work, babe.” Is this why I’m single? If so, I’ll keep it that way.

And here I am working through my endometriosis flare-up, like the 99%. :-/

She’s the only bacon that disappoints.

Somehow, “she loved pandas” really landed a gut punch. Poor baby.

It’s pretty insulting. Why not just stick with “if you’re trying, don’t drink?” I mean, what’s next? Limit coffee if you’re not on birth control? No sushi? No prescription drugs? No soft cheeses? No roller coasters? Absurd. I mean, come on.

I was shit-faced the weekend before I found out I was pregnant. I also had a beer or glass of wine once a week once I was past the halfway mark. My kid is healthy and well-behaved (for a 4 year old...I mean, he’s still a stubborn asshole sometimes...but so are his parents).

Also... don’t have sex unless you’re on birth control.

rH leacked herself

I agree. She really isn’t meant for that process. She was there for the right reasons not for the publicity and attention.

I don’t know about any of this, but on a picture compare to Amber, Kim looks dead inside.

it is my deepest, purest hope that Kim ripped into Ye about drawing his ex and her CHILD into a stupid rapper beef. She is so media savvy; I hope she was furious with him.

She isn’t. Most artists don’t make money on album sales, never have. Record companies can and will do some very creative accounting to ensure that an artist never really gets paid for their album. It’s been like that for decades. Artists make money from touring/merch/endorsements/etc. Basically everything outside of