
And being a ho is OK. I would like her to say that.

She’s absolutely right. Hell, there’s famous guys that have killed/been involved in killing people, and folks rarely bring it up.

I read this as more of an airing of dirty laundry rather than insinuating he's gay.

tweet beat or here?

I wonder if the Kardashians really feel like she is “preying” on Rob. Like, Tyga literally started sleeping with Kylie as a minor, and Blac Chyna is a predator?


I was a bit weird about "shout" as well. But then I remembered all the shouting we have to do just to be heard. It sucks.

I was wondering about that too. Also why he is getting a state funeral and why is it streamed live?

Mimi getting married. I’m sure it will be a modest, understated affair.

Donald Trump could use a soundtrack.

What the fuck kind of business card is that? What a childish, disgusting fucking asshole. How is that acceptable? It sure must be nice to be an old rich white man and face no repercussions for anything.

A little late to try to be professional after you put your label head (?) on blast on twitter.


Don’t want to see pics, we’ll take your word for it!

I have no doubt in my mind that my go-to hand move in this case would be clasping the other standee’s hands and gazing deeply into their eyes like a stern but excited Oprah who only wants the best for your life.

Sounds like a fantastic way to end up on Sex Sent Me to the ER.

I feel like, height wise, 69ing is hard enough to organize. Can you imagine the logistics of this if one participant is significantly shorter or taller than the others?

Agreed and I feel this must have been communicated to the kids somehow but they ignored it or didn’t take it seriously. I don’t have much pity. It’s always jarring when you get pushed out of the nest and you suddenly have to depend on yourself. Tori got pushed out from a very rich nest (to keep that analogy) but she

I remember how many people were upset on Tori’s behalf when her father didn’t leave her anything/much in his will and viewed her mom as being greedy.