
I was one of these women. I talked to Beth and Judy last night. It was fairly recent. I was hard to talk about.

Berru didn’t respond to an email I sent to his personal account requesting comment or to multiple phone calls, but early on Wednesday, he released a statement in which he admitted to drug and alcohol problems. In this statement, Berru addresses the women who’ve accused him generally but does not go into specifics, and

Between that and her calling out her fat friends, this entire thing was just savage.

After 6 months you can start feeding them anything that isn’t crazy hard. There is a new theory about food for babies, which I actually really like, where you feed them chunks of actual food (so slices of avocado, or oranges with the membrane off, pieces of apple with no skin, beans, etc) rather than baby food so that

Clearly. But what about the Almond Syndicate?

Tori Spelling must literally be the worst when it comes to money. Girl has made more already than I will in my lifetime and is still perpetually broke somehow.

Hot take: Orlando Bloom is the new Kate Hudson.

If not 20.

At this point Madonna has transformed herself into the Hardest Try-Hard That Ever Tried. Hard.

Madonna, girl, you’re trying too hard.

and Yoko is back.

Cultural appropriation of the most clueless, tasteless sort.

re: Madonna, I laughed at this for about 10 minutes last night

Yes, but that’s not really the point. Her friend was killed because of her ex boyfriend's anger towards her decision to break off the relationship. This is a fear women face while dealing with controlling significant others. It is an unfortunately reality that we have to deal with.

Ahahahahahahaha! Outstanding.

my favorite thing on real housewives is when they bring in a new cast member and have to pretend it’s all organic. “kyle, do you mind if i bring my friend erika to your dinner party? she’s so wonderful”

Wait, “Hi” has 11 syllables??

You’re a terrible person.

as creepy as their marriage started out, i think they truly loved each other. my condolences, celine.