
“Animals” is far and away the fucking worst song in the world. Why?

(Psssst.... MacFarlane*)

So I guess that also makes her Roald Dahl’s granddaughter?

This sounds like a celebrity edition of The Real World.


Oh look, another site for Gawker Media to complain about while stealing content from them.

How about Vickis signature scent, V By Vicki?!?

There are very few non-lathering creamy substances I’ll allow in my hair. I was suspicious about this stuff as soon as I saw Chaz’s greasy mop.

Side note: it kinda seems like more of the dick move on Sonja’s part to try and ride the coattails of Bethanny by co-opting her “___ Girl” marketing. I love Sonja to bits, but she’s always looking for the easy-money way of doing business rather than putting in the time and effort, so it kinda seems like she’s just

“I heard that one of the girls doesn’t want me back on the show and that’s the way it is, she’s in charge.

Now that he’s been born, he better attach some boot straps to that oxygen tank or he’s just a no good dirty moocher sucking down that sweet Medicaid money from the real Murrican taxpayers.

See, 6 months is too damn far into the pregnancy for an abortion (in my opinion). Only in extreme situations should that be considered. I know that sometimes medical necessity would dictate that a doctor perform an abortion that far into a pregnancy. The sad part is...she probably wanted one from the jump but lived in

Considering how that crowd rolls, kid's gonna have to make due with prayers.

This is what happens when states are allowed to legislate every step of a completely legal procedure. Abortion is legal? Okay! Let’s shut down every clinic that provides safe abortions, and those who aren’t shut down let’s stand outside and threaten the workers and the patients, and even sometimes kill those workers

This woman, for whatever reason, thought that her best option was to stick a coat hanger into her vagina and hope it caused a miscarriage. This is why we need good sex ed in high schools. This is why we need to fund Planned Parenthood. This is why abortions should be state supported.

Yes, because she just “made” it without any difficulty or effort on her part and she’s certainly not qualified to speak about the sexism in the music industry after working her way through it... Let’s ignore the fact that she has stated that she was raped by a producer as a budding artist. That’s certainly not sexism

I feel like 98 Degrees shouldn’t even be in the running.

I cannot stress enough that you’ve all been made immortal.

Since you vetoed Backstreet Boys, is death an option?