
It's 41 here in north bay. Which I can't believe. I wore my sandals yesterday.

Shhh! No spoilers; don’t Jinx it!

If Canada’s average temperatures were about 20 degrees warmer, I’d be right there with you. Unfortunately the cold is just such a deal breaker for me!

“Satin” is only one letter away from “Satan.” Coincidence? I think not.

satin is the devil’s fabric

Watching that monster cry and shake was the closest thing to any kind of justice I’ve felt in a long while. Fuck him and may the brave women who shared their stories find peace.

I would have put it at more like 61%, but that's just quibbling on my part, isn't it?

Bless her heartly.

Yeah, that's not a fucked up thing to say at all.

Decades ago, Patrick Stewart struck a deal with the devil. In exchange for premature baldness, he received...well damn, see for yourself! He’s 75!

Helloooo Patrick

men are 100% marginalized when it comes to child birth

ok but like what about this velvet swashbuckler


I certainly did that. In college I’d waver between bulimia and what is now called orthorexia. And now, 10 years later, having ballooned up I really struggle with starting a “clean eating” plan. Over a decade of bulimia has caught up to me and it’s really hard to stick to my nutritionist’s plan. It is so very hard to

I’d argue that the very language of “clean eating” imbues food with a level of stigma and phobia that’s pretty pathological. In eating disorder treatment, we talk about “disordered eating” versus an eating disorder. I don’t know if it’s safe to argue that clean eating is always an eating disorder (nor do I assume

First couple of dozens of replies belie my prediction. People are seeing the truth in Nigella’s comments. Very cool.

Obviously it isn’t scientific, but the orthorexics I know were anorexic and/or bulimic when they were younger.

At it’s extreme, this type of obsession with “clean eating” is called orthorexia. It’s a recognised disorder. When people get so involved in a certain type of restrictive diet, such as paleo, it can be really harmful. But often it’s not picked up, and people who are obsessive are celebrated as super-healthy role

Anyone else see Nutella instead of Nigella?