
In audrina’s defense, she atleast had the decency to put #ad on the photo. If you’re going to be paid a buttload to rep some shitty tea-tox or teeth whitener, I think celebs have a duty to inform young fans that they are being sponsored.

Man, they’d be cute together IRL.

OH, look at you. Thanks for your thoughtful response to my comment.

The ostrich and bowtie. I’m crying. Thank you.

Totally, thats a lot of change for someone to face in a short period combined with a chronic illness like Lymes. I hope she finds what she’s looking for and I hope the other cast members aren’t too cruel. Yolanda is somewhat likeable, where as Brooks from RHOC was prick and got what he deserved from the cast.

I actually loved Coach on New Girl ( I too have stopped watching, along with Mindy because I don’t have Hulu or whatever). Daman Wayans Jr. is a fucking gem though.

Next week episode they discuss her kid’s diagnosis and Munchausen by Proxy is mentioned. Should be an interesting episode.

I don’t know Yolanda personally, and she may very well have Lyme’s disease, but I have a suspicion that there is some psychosomatic illness disorder going on. She won’t quit RHBH because it helped launch her own and her daughters careers. According to blind gossip items, apparently she is desperate for fame and David

Alternate Theory: people go home during the holidays and see old friends, critical parents (family) and awkward run in’s with former lovers. nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel your best.

License plate says Oregon, nice try. Leave Canada out of this.

Dang. That is nauseating, and terrible candle etiquette.

Voluspa makes some delicious scents and $20 is still expensive for a candle, but weirdly cheaper than bath and body works 3 wick I think.

baies pronounced “baes” lol. I think.

She was burning 3 different scents at the same time?

its ok, me too :)

ProTip: make sure the receiver of said candle-gift actually likes to light them. My finance’s mother has left one I gave her unburnt for 2 years. Part of me thinks she’s too anal to have a burning flame in the house (fair), but atleast light it and blow it out so it looks like you used it atleast once.

I gave my future mother in law a candle two years ago. It’s sat unburnt in the living room since. I’m feeling kind of offended at this point, and it wasn’t a super fancy one, but not a cheap one either.

Yeah the big ones are about $500 but the small ones are around $70ish? I think mine was about $85 Canadian doll-hairs. I just bought my mom the Cardamon and Mimosa candle and fragrance for xmas, it is delicious.

I LOVE Diptque candles, but I confess I don’t buy them for myself (too expense). Jo Malone and Seda France candles are two of my other favourites to receive as gifts.

Speaking of Bachelorettes, what the F is this new trend of asking your friends to spend $1000 to have a destination bachelor/ette party. The instagram generation is obsessed with being flashy and living beyond their means. If I’m in your bridal party (which I am next year) and already spending money on a gift, shower,