
Saw the announcement on Instagram this morning. Lot of happy people because of this I’m sure. I think Sirius is f’d when he leaves.

Who could ever have thought this was a sound business venture? I don’t even think Vicki thinks it was a good idea.

Silicone based shampoos and conditioners (most of the crap at the pharmacy) are usually silicone based and the silicone does ‘build’ up on the hair, and can in some cases cause follicle weakness and hair-loss. I wash once a week with a clarifying shampoo that helps keep the silicone build up at a minimum (suds up and

Her image (costumes, make up etc) was so that she could separate her performance persona from her life as a private citizen. She said in many interviews that it was her literal and figurative mask she could wear in public. Similar to a security blanket. Not sure your statements about her ridiculous image are

Damn, can I vote the Backstreet Boys?

Ahhh. I’m not that into super hero films, but this is such a good franchise. I’ve really enjoyed the last couple films.

Not true,everyone gets a hockey stick and and a homemade toque.

13 degress and sunny here in Southern Ontario today :) thank god for El Nino (climate change)

Patrick: Would

Michael was arrested for threatening his girlfriend with a gun days before he left town. Sounds like he was going through some serious personal issues in the last couple weeks. Terrible news for the family to receive today.

He looks 53% more bangable with a touch of grey, touch of the grumps and that beard, IMO.

Sheesha? Dennis, I believe you meant Ser-sha.

The only difference I see is maybe some botox, clean shave, hair dye and a smile. He’s just been looking sad and scruffy all summer.

Not ashamed to admit, I voted yes for that GILF-tastic beardy old dude. Lets get it popping Saint Nick ;)

The body cleanses itself. Cleanses are bullshit.

I think so. I’ve cut and paste my reactivation key so I know I save it properly. It’s bullshit. System obviously doesn't work.

Unrelated: just got locked out of my burner for the second time in two weeks. so frustrating and the recovery keys don’t do shit. Any tips for me? Thx.