
Things I learned from beer commercials:

Iranian woman, Swedish woman, American woman, Indian woman, Canadian woman, Chinese woman, ANY woman are not symbols of anything... They are human beings. Full stop. Thanks. advocates should do their best to work with anti-abortion people

Actively combative? In what respect?

Bullshit! She's wrong and I'm calling her out on it! The "both sides have to work together" line has been trotted out more times than I can count and it is BULLSHIT. As someone who claims to be "pro-choice forever" she should know better.

Pro-choice advocates **do** work in the interest of making things better for women and children, and are the truly "pro-life" side of the debate. The problem does not lie on the pro-choice side. For someone who claims to be "pro-choice forever," you don't seem to grasp that.

There are no such systems. They don't exist. And this is the only G7 nation that doesn't have a fully funded child care system. When I read your sentenance that included the phrase, "outside the law," I immediately thought of the vandalism, harassment, threats, terrorism, and murder the antis have committed.

Again, I'd love to know which enterprises are actually trying to provide care. I follow this issue very closely, and I know of exactly none.

Do you know what people badgering you to make choice for yourself that they agree with is called? Harassment. Specially if it's a complete stranger. If you think those assholes standing on front o clinics or bothering adult women who have made a choice for themselves are "generally decent people" you are an idiot.

So, for example, "Abortion is wrong. We have a whole system set up to help you through pregnancy and birth." That's great!

I'm wondering if "greedy" covers "entirely changing your image to become more marketable and make more money." I feel like it should.

Maybe I am a little backwards but I don't consider sex and hard drug use to be on the same page... Although there was a girl at my high school who did go through rehab and had her poem about addiction & rehab published in the yearbook so why not. Overcoming adversity is just as admirable as succeeding in my opinion

I think it's worth thinking more about why it makes you uncomfortable.

Good for the school for being progressive and inclusive. Shame on the parents for getting pissed. I had a friend who was excluded from her senior year book (and not allowed to cross the stage) because she was pregnant. It still upsets her. She got pregnant, made the choice to have the baby and was punished for it.


I... I can't even with these people. I tell myself that they are a very vocal minority but the majority of people either don't care or at least don't judge.

I never get these nuts. I mean if they actually believe that you can be turned gay (which I assume that they do). They should think to themselves. Do they think that something could have made them gay instead of straight? If their answer is yes than maybe they should reevaluate their sexuality.

lolwtf, are all their sponsorships going to get taken away if she stops shitting out kids or what?

In 6th grade my Social Studies teacher told me that Russia was a communist country (this was in 1997). I corrected her; she told me I was wrong.