
In related news, 4 men with the smallest penises in the world showed up at a local jack in the box to show off their huge guns.

She didn't but don't let the facts stop you from being upset. Reading is hard, I know.

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

Honestly, this is some Oryx and Crake level bored internet sociopathic entertainment. It's chilling.

Bully for you. Let me know when you get pregnant.

Having known women who have terminated late term, it is not generally about the "indecisive." An abortion at 20 weeks is about terrible, heart-rending decisions and awful situations, whether a horribly damaged fetus or lack of access to proper women's health services earlier in the pregnancy. Also, abortions at 21+

Great David. No one will force you to have an abortion. (At least not in this country; China is another story.)

I'm guessing that means you're a vegan, who wears and uses no animal-based products whatsoever, including medications that have been tested on animals?

I think framing the debate over reproduction choice that way is false and manipulative. Giving birth is even today one of the most dangerous things a woman can do. So

Does anyone not think it's wrong to force a woman to carry and birth a baby against her will?

No, since *single cardiac cells beat on their own*.

No, not when the beating heart in question belongs to a fetus that is inside of a woman. Her rights always trump the fetus's rights. There should be regulations that have nothing to do with religion and bullshit like that, but everything to do with actual science and safety. So, yes to late-term, medically

I don't know - why don't we ask the scores of anti-choice hypocrites who staunchly support the death penalty?

Does anyone remember Tweeds? I still have a coat I bought from them back in the early 90s.

Send volunteers from Children's International over to them. "Hello there! It seems you care about the welfare of children. Well, there are millions of children out there who need your help to get the food, clothes, medicine, education, and clean water they need! Put your money whet your mouth is? :) "

You're talking science, which GOPeons are allergic to.

In early stages of development, all fetuses start out as Republicans. This is why women usually experience nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.

This would allow a woman to kill every single worthless republican no? Seeing how they fight to make the life of any new child as hard as possible.

"Have people tell their story backwards"

This strikes me as about as useful as that old drunk-driver catching technique "say the alphabet backwards". That's shit even most normal people can't do with any kind of speed or accuracy.