
Um, isn't a primary part of voiceover work Reading The Script And Saying The Words Out Loud? I realize that scripts can change during a production but at some point in the process wouldn't you as a voice performer have to realize what the fuck you were saying?

I have my moments (like right now, I am PMSing and want to kill everyone for no good reason) but I try to live by the golden rule. Like, no, I don't like it (at all) when people recline their seats. So I allow myself to stew for a few seconds then grow up and get over it. I am not confrontational (because frankly,

Has Breitbart become a comedy site now? Has SNL ever touted itself as a political news organization? If neither of those things has happened, this comparison is invalid.

That SNL skit was parody. This ad campaign is purely invective.

The only funny thing about "conservative humor" is seeing what they think is funny.

I'm confused. You seem to be trying to apply the rules of logic to the conservative movement? That doesn't seem like a productive use of one's time.

Did they not realize that running the tagline "You can't make this shit up" over clearly doctored pictures makes no sense at all? I mean, it's a doctored picture, so clearly you can make that "shit" up because the person who doctored the pictures did make it up...because they're fake pictures. The phrase "you can't

I don't actually understand what these ads are getting at. It looks like a bad school assignment that's reaching really far to make some sort of connection, joke or insult.

Nah, he just turned the words of a long-dead peasant faith healer into non-tax-paying megabucks. Not that that's new or anything. Fleecing the gullible never goes out of style, it seems.

Yep. Massive hypocrites. If Jesus were alive today, they would call him a lazy moocher.

It's sort of funny, in a deeply depressing sort of way, to think of just how much Republicans and a hell of a lot of "Christians" would passionately hate Jesus and everything he stood for if he was alive today. I mean, he's such a damned dirty hippy! All about feeding the poor and helping the less fortunate instead of

Because jesus was all about not giving anything to the less fortunate and he never cared about helping others. He just kept everything for himself. Oh wait....

I guess I don't travel that much, I'd say I take RT flights 12-15 times a year, but I haven't really seen things get too terribly worse. I have a few "rules" I try for the post part to stick with, which tend to help me with travel stress.

Why should an organization with $135 fucking million in assets not pay taxes?

I call dutch rudder in a hot tub with no eye contact.

I'm giving 3-1 odds on gay sex.

People need to, well, they need to learn not everything in life will go your way. I just don't have unpleasant experiences at airports because I can't control what's happening so why stress over it? Bring a good book, listen to music, it's really not the end of the world.

They really shouldn't have been sleeping without protective headgear if they didn't want to be hit in the head by hammers. I mean, jesus, can you blame the poor guy? These horrible women, just lying around with uncovered heads, practically begging to be assaulted... when will women learn that attacking women with

To answer your first question, it's worse because the government pays and arms this person to protect people, and instead he preyed on them. So in addition to the crime, his actions were a violation of his duty and [further] undermine the trust that is necessary between the police and the policed to make our whole

So how is this worse than a "regular" rape? Why don't all rapists get life sentences or at the very least more than 4, 5 years jailtime? Rape is rape.