
Not to be completely dark, but my answer to that question usually makes people pretty uncomfortable. Are people really so unaware that unwanted children can have very sad, lonely childhoods? Is the bootstrap ideology so secure that the chance of existing is the best we can hope for — it's our problem after that?

I find the Five slightly fascinating too. I think Perino is there because that crazy one just says the craziest, most offensive stuff you can hear on tv, and then she'll do some mental gymnastics to try to make a conservative viewpoint sound slightly less nutty and stupid. It took me forever to figure out the

The fact that every comment isn't this comment makes me wonder if we saw a different version of this story.

I'm on my second week in. Honestly it's okay so far because my firm is much, much better than the shitty firms I've worked at, so the case is pretty interesting. But of course I'd be doing public interest if I could. The work is pretty absurd though. I've never been so bored in my life. How long have you been doing

Well. I do this with legal documents all day long — I think I'd rather do it with tv. Can I listen to podcasts while I do it? Is there free coffee?


At least awful is mildly, mildly interesting?

I switched from vegan to pescetarian when I moved to a place that culturally eats a lot of fish and some seafood. It would have been pretty easy to be a vegetarian here too, but my partner's family is Alaska native and full of commercial fishermen/women and food is a good way to relate. I think a lot of people assume

Hell, I had a good job and looked forward to my coworkers' white board notes.

Yes, bad after the scroll-down.

Mr. Awesome or whatever? I dated a guy like that once and I wasn't interested in him and it blew my goddamn mind. I actually called him "Awesome" in my mind because it was so absurd. This isn't really an interesting story, just more that the exception proves your point.

The Madden brothers are going to be my go-to example the next time I'm dumb enough to engage a troll whining about how loserly-seeming menz can never get status women or whatever. Although that will probably lead to an explanation of why Nicole Richie and Cameron Diaz aren't even that great.


A) Shockingly enough, the issue in this post is not that I can't tell the difference between a topless 16 year old and topless 2 year old. It's whether IG can employ a fair, objective, non-skeezy way to determine at what point on the spectrum this becomes "sexual" in a way that opens them up to legal and moral

Wait, aren't you one of the smugsters who was ready to throw 'em to the wolves on the post about the guy who accidentally left his baby in the car? But you're able to empathize with the person who *intentionally* stopped her car in the middle of a highway? The internet, man. It really gets to me sometimes.

Where should IG's line be?

Hey, never say never! I'm a relationship girl true and true, but I dedicated a year or two of my life (in between relationships) to whoring around, and it was truly a joy. It's really tempting to label ourselves, but never let that label make your decisions.

I'm struggling to think of something more patronizing or inappropriate than telling someone she needs to get laid. Gross.

Although mommy is seemingly making money off of her blog — she has sponsors and a store. But yeah, why IG should be expected to apply anything but the safest, most restrictive measures to ensure nothing untoward is posted is beyond me. We're not talking a coffee table book with prior editorial discretion here.

A) You posted them yourself