
I really object to this line of commenting because I feel ya'll shouldn't be commenting on it if you find it so worthless, ya know? That main issue with this show (other than the unfathomably patriarchal, outdated stereotypes it pushes, even now that it is featuring a woman with a "real job!") is that it is

I figured he probably also referenced their breakup in his stand-up. Because I'm the nicest person on earth, I'm going to be really charitable and say that for these entertainers, public comments on personal issues is probably part of their lives and art. It certainly makes them money. Although the twitter rant loses

Yeah, a burrito and a faded tan does the same to me.

Please reply with appropriate gifs re Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, KATE FUCKING MIDDLETON* and Heidi Klum getting covers over Beyonce.

As a budding atheist teen I recited this prayer regularly: God, please forgive me for not believing in you.

But is she an atheist??

I don't think Christians are stupid, but quite a few of them think we are actually going to burn in hell for our nonbelief. So if some atheists think they are stupid for believing all that nuttery, I think I'll let it pass.

"Apatheist." Christ on an imaginary bike.

Bitching that atheists are bitching that people are bigoted is stupid. Pretty sure it's asshole atheists like you that are giving us a bad name, not those of us who would like to be trusted enough to hold public office despite our personal beliefs about the existence of supernatural beings.

Yeah. My question is why you are talking about malnutrition as though that has anything to do with this article about tainted treats.

Original comment deleted.

When I'm desperate I'll resort to Amazon reviews.

I walk around with grease curls from all the oil masks I don't quite wash out (they'll be more effective that way!!). I've managed to convince myself that the 1 day out of 7 my hair looks fucking perfect is worth it.

Cats are definitely hard for vegetarians because they can't eat a vegetarian diet. Dogs can, but even though I'm a pescetarian, I'm hesitant to put the dogs on a pescetarian diet because I'm not sure I could make it nutritionally complete. I buy very high quality kibble, and supplement it once a day with some quinoa,

This isn't the "too many treats make puppy fat" article. Can't we all agree to keep our patronizing "everything in moderation" comments to articles about fatties and social media network addicts?

Right. A dog being walked in a public place should be able to deal with unexpected interactions with the public. But of course, I try to keep my angels leashed and respectful.

Wait...what? A family relationship exists and there was an assault, so yes, this is domestic violence. I get this isn't a court, but what standard are you using here? I think there are 99 good reasons not to get all worried for Jay, but that doesn't make this not DV.

The only way I can have sex is while eating a cheeseburger. You tell me how I'm supposed to get off.

What's the difference between an "urban city" and a city? Size? I live in a larger city and it's definitely the folks in the outlying 'burbs that have thrown up tons more cameras and "We <3 the NRA" signs in order to deal with their burgeoning drug problems. We definitely have theft issues here too, but the stereotype

I'm humbled by your selfless internet activism on this topic. I think you are closer to finding the girls than I am.