
You have to deal with people treating you like a surrogate mother/daughter/sister/spouse even when you’re actually just two people who met three months ago and share a windowless office in the marketing department of a mid-level law firm in Indianapolis.”

Cynic checking in. I’m having a shit week.

What is it with people labeling outrage fake or manufactured just because the person saying it isn’t offended? Why is it hard to believe that some people are genuinely offended by things that some people couldn’t give a shit about? I’m not attacking you personally, but I think people just need to say they’re not

I mean, as a woman, yes, I found it personally offensive. Men have no idea what it’s like to constantly have the terms slut & whore thrown in your face for literally any behavior some guy doesn’t approve of. So when I see two movie stars carelessly calling a female character a slut because she’s playing the field/not

sorry about my sudden, malignant wizard magic :(

And it’s doubtless because I’m an old, but I just can’t wrap my head around this contemporary idiom of calling a woman (whether in anger or in jest) a “whore” or a “slut” because she WON’T sleep with you.

It’s not a world-ending sin (I still want to touch your chest, Chris Evans! CALL ME) but I feel like if they wouldn’t make a lazy racist crack about Nick Fury then they shouldn’t be making lazy sexist cracks about Black Widow.

(EDIT: That’s why I’m not really down with the ‘But she’s just a fictional character!’

about 24 hours before i first heard about the evans thing, i legitimately had this thought, almost verbatim:

Can’t speak for all of Jez, but how exactly would I forgive Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner when I’m not angry enough (read: not angry at all) to require forgiveness?

Evans, at least, managed an actual apology. Tip for Renner: “just blowing off steam” is not the same as “I screwed up and I’m sorry.”

I think the outrage is about how casually they were calling a female character a slut and whore. It was not funny and really lazy of both of them. Especially since both know Scarlett ,who portrays the character, and how she hates being asked dismissive questions. And the apology from Renner is even worse. At least

Yes. I get a lot of heat from people (men and women) who get frustrated and offended when I point out the existence and unacceptability of these kinds of bullshit sexist comments (“Gawd, it’s just a joke, can’t you lighten up??”). And I always say, “Look, I’m not asking for perfection. Our society is screwed up, and

Whitney carrying him out, Whitney explaining how a stalker broke into his house and jilled off in his bed.

Yeah, because people who want to see Paul Blart are going to read these reviews and be like, whaaaaaa? Not as good as the book?

One of my favorite pans ever was of the Whitney Houston-Kevin Costner movie, “The Bodyguard.” As I recall the reviewer opened by saying, “This movie wouldn’t have made any less sense if the two stars had switched roles.”

It’s Tavi Gevinson from RookieMag and Kiernan Shipka from Mad Men!

Somewhat related, I’m part of a group online of kimono enthusiasts

Wait, people were mad a black girl was playing Rue? She’s literally described as black in the book...

I always got a good laugh at how pissed people were about black Cinna, who is literally described in the book as not white.

RE Amanda Stenberg: my friend put this on facebook the other day and it legit almost made me cry. She is so wonderful.