I’ll never understand how some women can hate other women so much.
I’ll never understand how some women can hate other women so much.
I think now would be a really good time to remind him that a FlyGirl is now and will continue to be richer and more famous than he will ever hope to be.
You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.
Nah, they don’t really fuck with black people.
Sure, but also Fink’s Pulitzer-winning book is the history that will be remembered. It’s erasure, and if you already feel like your town and culture is being erased, I get it, especially from a writer’s perspective (and in the context of this piece). To quote Hamilton, “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?” This…
I didn’t understand it either until I read her explanation. Fink made the same mistake that all the other outsiders did: getting the hospital name wrong. At best, you get some confused looks from passersby when you ask for directions; at worst, people literally died waiting for help because of a wrong name on the…
There’s a huge convening going on in New Orleans right now - the 5th annual Southern People’s Movement Assembly and the Gulf South Rising week of action have teamed up to strategize and heal on this 10th anniversary. It’s a huge movement that knows it wasn’t just urban blacks who were harmed - it was a huge region of…
This reminds me of how I feel about some of the Ferguson coverage. As a native of the STL, I often shook my head over the way the city and county were described by outside ‘parachute’ journalists. Sometimes it seems almost impossible for outsiders to grasp the nuances of life in a community they've never lived in.
“I don’t disagree with your fundamental right to not be raped, but...”
Analogue means something that is similar to something else - something that is analogous to something else. So I don’t think they actually meant analogy.
“I believe in equality and all those things, but....”
I am so happy about this article, I’m almost crying at work. I’ve been lifting with a trainer for almost two years and when people find out that I do, the first thing every woman says is “well doesn’t that bulk you up?”
Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged
Ronda was all out of bubblegum
So actually, he may have lost 100 lbs without counting calories and with the addition of bulletproof coffee depending on what other dietary changes he made. If all he did was add bulletproof coffee it is almost certainly bullshit, but if he went low carb (or -gag- paleo) and he went into ketosis, it is a believable…
Idk if it’s healthy at all but there’s a place that sells it in Austin and it is fucking DELICIOUS.
Do you think the shooter as Mayci for her political credentials before he shot her? Or, do you think he just saw a pussy on legs? I’m guessing it was the latter. I’m guessing he thought anyone watching that movie was part of the problem.
It’s still unknown whether or not Houser obtained the .40 caliber handgun he used to murder two women legally.
How about both. His motives matter, especially given the tendency to blame mental illness.