
Nerd self-outing: The Federation is a communist utopia, so if we’re assigning them to our current spectrum in the US they’re all way to the left even of FDR. The Republicans are clearly Ferengi, from their extreme capitalism to their views on women.

It wasn’t enough to be wrong about everything on Earth, so Ted Cruz dragged the Federation into it.

16??! Try 10.

I wonder how many not-unattractive 47 year old women Tony “notices.”

Ron Swanson and Tammy 2

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

Every now and then guys will ask me if these are my “real eyes.” I’m pretty sure they’re asking if they’re colored contacts, like you said, but I’ve gotten to the point where I always reply, “No, I carved them out of a dead hobo’s skull.” It’s just confusing and off-putting enough to make them leave me alone.

I’ve never been into the show. To me, it always reminded me of when every comic book decided to go “grim and gritty” in the 90s. One most juvenile things to believe is that constant senseless hopelessness and violence are somehow inherently mature. It’s a 13 year old boy’s vision of what adult art should be like.

Thank you: “The problem isn’t that this episode included a rape, but that it did so in the service of bad storytelling. It told the audience nothing that wasn’t already known, and it didn’t advance any plot lines beyond where they already were.”

How can you know what your hard limits are if you’ve never had sex with a random guy on an air mattress that gradually deflated the more he humped at you until your tailbone was just resting on the ground and you felt like you should probably stop drinking whiskey in those quantities? I feel like that was a real

Can someone change the words to JESUS SHIT AND GODDAMN WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CRAP?

Not gonna lie- Hilary Duffs gorgeous bowling squad looks like my worst nightmare.

its fine, these commenters (who are most def. straight.) are just tools.

I thought the story about Kanye was awesome too. And you know what, I didn’t even think it was that surprising.

I just wanted to participate in/witness actual discourse. Not jokes about the Kardashians or dudes who clearly hadn’t watched the interview. Discourse reflecting the fact that an icon of masculinity - an Olympian AND a decathlete - is a transperson. And that this individual is navigating a liminal space in transition,

When Bruce just whipped off his hair tie and shook his ponytail loose I was filled with so much joy.

sorry about my sudden, malignant wizard magic :(

about 24 hours before i first heard about the evans thing, i legitimately had this thought, almost verbatim:

Yes. I get a lot of heat from people (men and women) who get frustrated and offended when I point out the existence and unacceptability of these kinds of bullshit sexist comments (“Gawd, it’s just a joke, can’t you lighten up??”). And I always say, “Look, I’m not asking for perfection. Our society is screwed up, and