
Could be another example of Megyn Kelly caring about issues that directly affect Megyn Kelly....


False. As has been noted numerous times elsewhere, Scalzi hosted an *open thread* on his blog, where *any eligible person* could tout *their own work.* At no point did Scalzi or Stross ever put together a "full slate" of nominees, let alone recommend that others vote for it.

Not really. This isn't a clever gaming of the system. It's something that's extremely obvious, and hasn't happened because people realized it'd at best severely damage the Hugos. The Puppies don't get credit for being clever dogs, but for not being housebroken.

It means "thanks for your super compelling and original contribution." People care about awards. It reflects status in the field, whether or not you care. To write off people's concerns as stupid because those things don't occur to you, well...

This year was also the year that they had members of the academy explain some of their Oscar nomination reasoning, which laid bare some of the insane mental leaps involved in the voting.

We saw one member not like Selma because of the political discussion around it, and in the next breath praise American Sniper because

Hot take.

She didn't claim to have smelled carbon monoxide. She claimed she smelled some sort of gas, and she was right. The gas turned out to be truck exhaust, which contains carbon monoxide (among other things). Additionally, it is possible to smell a carbon monoxide leak if a smelly substance has been added to it. Seriously

This reminds me strongly of when my husband and I went to a marital therapist about a decade ago. After many sessions, we eventually got to the "Trust" issue. So the therapist said to me, "why do you have trust issues with your husband?" And I gave up a succinct laundry list of the usual stuff: he's unreliable,

Did you bother to read the whole story or the comments?

Like, are you for real? You just discounted the experience of a woman ON AN ARTICLE ABOUT THE EXPERIENCES AND OPINIONS AND EMOTIONS OF WOMEN BEING DISMISSED. Seriously?

About the only time I see this phenomenon being discussed in popular culture-albeit obliquely— is in horror movies, one of the biggest arbiters of our fears in modern times.

By not realizing that they automatically doubt the person, and thus come up with ways to rationalize the situation in a way that's more psychologically comfortable to them.

Jezebel, Jezebel. What have you done to me?

How is Mitchikins trolling, exactly?

If you're really worried that you're gonna go off on a jealousy bender on your current bf because of your bad previous relationship (and given how he treated you, I completely understand those feelings), may I suggest you have a discussion about it with the current bf, if you haven't already? Just something like "Hey,

Disagree. Ultimatums *can* be controlling and manipulative. If all you're doing is trying to get someone to do what you want, that's controlling and manipulative. But if they are honest reflections of your feelings—"I need you to stop drinking or I'm going to leave"—then they are fair.

Okay, honesty time: How many of us would actually pull over and stop on the freeway for a black Monte Carlo with no police badging and tiny police-looking lights that's running you off the road in a very unprofessional way? I know I wouldn't. I would get the fuck out of there, and if he kept pursuing, I would pull

This is your base, Republicans, this nut job right here. You think she got this way all on her own? You think this woman pulled this crap out of the thin air? She's been spoonfed all these talking points for the last 7yrs from Fox News, Rush, Beck, Alex Jones, etc. Long after Obama's out of the White House this woman,

Why is it that every time somebody points out an obvious injustice, there's a dozen cries for "civility?" Why is being "civil" more important than not being a racist, sexist ass?