
So, you called me a dick because I asked you to explain something you said. That's... brilliant. Well played, you are a most excellent troll.

Well, when asked why you were "just being nice" by describing Phil Robertson's views on gays as "he doesn't care for them", you responded by going on a tear about people being mean to you and then you called me a dick. Then there's your whole "two girls kissing is hot but two dudes gross me out, no way am I a bigot"

Dude, this guy's just a troll. He can't form coherent opinions and if you push him he just calls you names and flounces off. Don't waste your energy.

Dude, if you don't want to be thought of as a troll, try not calling people pompous assholes, pricks, and dicks when they're just asking you to clarify your incoherent statements.

Oh, and if you get off on watching two girls kiss but you're super grossed out by two dudes kissing? You are most definitely a bigot.

It's got to really suck for your college roommate, knowing that he has friends who say his friendship "means the world" to them, but who don't think he should have the right to be married to a person he loves.

Nice to whom? Why? If you're being nice to Phil Robertson by couching his rhetoric in milquetoast terms instead of being honest about what he said, what purpose does that serve? Are you just trolling here, or is your Duck Dynasty fandom really that strong?

I think I'd be able to take you a little more seriously if you hadn't just said that Phil Robertson "doesn't care for gay people". Funny, when I see someone hollering fire and brimstone about the sin of homosexuality, I tend to not categorize that with the same words that my great-aunt uses to talk about her dislike

It always baffles and amazes me when someone says something like "personally I think gay people should be married and happy... so why should the government try and stop that. But on the other hand constantly shoving it in people's faces doesn't help anything either." It's such a deeply unthinking thing to say. You

Wow, this really exposes their whole "leaving the size of our family up to God" business as a load of steaming crap, doesn't it?

What makes you think I believe I have the right to decide anything for anyone, or that I'm electing myself the Chief Offended Person? That's a fucked up thing to derive from me saying that maybe people should just speak for themselves.

Serious talk, creepy: I'm a Jew. And you can keep fucking right off.

Well, sweetie, it seems like you're getting a lot of flak from a lot of people, not just me. So the odds are high that it's actually YOU that's the problem. Common denominator and all that. As for telling Jewish people to be offended... who's doing that? All I see is you telling everyone that you speak for all

Nope. You're still an asshole.

Just because you're Jewish, doesn't mean you speak for all Jewish people. Fuck off.

Ah yes, the tried and true "You're the real racist for calling out something as racist!" bullshit. Gross. Do better.

Yeah, to be honest I really have no clue if FetLife does that sort of thing the way and other pay dating sites do, but I suspect they probably don't... I used to have a FetLife pay account and the only real benefit is that you can change your screen name unlimited times and you can post videos and view

Just FYI, FetLife isn't a "dating site" per se. It's a social networking site for the BDSM/kink scene, and while there is a membership you can pay for that gives you extra stuff, it's like OK Cupid in that you don't have to pay to use the site.

Yes, exactly. I know one couple who has opened their marriage after fifteen years and three kids together, and they make it work so well that it almost makes poly look like something everyone should do... but they have an incredible level of communication and they're best friends who are still madly in love with each

Actually, I know a fair number of couples involved in open relationships — a married couple I know decided to open up their relationship a few years ago, and I've met lots of other open couples through them. The trick to making it work? Communication. And a healthy amount of respect and love for the other person,

It's always nice to have a euphemism that makes you cringe as you say it, I tell you what.