
You seem very concerned about this woman's weight. How much does she weigh now, exactly? I'm unable to find an actual number, but you're speaking with such authority about her horrible, horrible health that it seems obvious that you must be her doctor or another medical professional tasked with monitoring this poor

Wow. I never realized before how obvious Rihanna's type of guy is. All three of those dudes look not exactly alike, but very damn close.

Is this story the gossip version of Benghazi? Because damn, talk about overcoverage.

I get the "make feet for children's shoes" one, but summer cabbage?

It's not that he's male and shirtless. It's that he's male, shirtless, above the age of consent, and appearing in a photograph lounging on a bed with a 13 year old girl. Not only is your post hyperbolic, it's disingenuous.

Well, as I said, I can believe that a vanishingly small number of women might have been coerced into an abortion. By "vanishingly small", I mean maybe the two cases you were able to find information on. And two cases out of roughly 1.06 million cases per year* is so incredibly tiny that it makes complete sense that

I'll be completely frank with you, I can believe that a vanishingly small percentage of women who get abortions might have been coerced into it. But I truly cannot buy into the idea that forced abortions are happening on a regular basis in the US, let alone that it's an epidemic. For one thing, I can't find any

Just a heads-up, I'm not sure if you're aware that the article you've linked to is from a pro-life activist website. It's about as unbiased as something from Fox News or Breitbart, and I wouldn't advise taking those statistics seriously in any way.