Don’t ever pay to be marketed to.
Don’t ever pay to be marketed to.
Omfg how much is Apple paying jalopnik to shill their products.
I love the responses to this that are so blindly in the defense Pokemon that they completely ignore the fact that this is actually causing disturbances.
Earth Defense Force, the sci-fi action series known primarily for having big bugs and a terrible frame rate, is coming to the PC via Steam on July 18. The PC version is Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair and features an English dub for the first time. (And presumably a decent frame rate, too.)
“High quality does not really fit with games called ‘street fighter’ and ‘combat,’” said one city council member.
I may never have liked the guy, but damn if this isn't a good thing for him to be doing. Kudos for bringing the situation to attention and telling people to seek medical advice if they're worried. Not enough people do and I'm seeing someone I know die before my eyes of bowel cancer because he put it off for so long.