
Police unions confuse me because they’re already above accountability. Their job literally gives them authority that others don’t have. You have unions for workers that can be exploited. If anybody is anti-union, I hope that includes police, but shocker, that’s usually their exception.

“no black man should carry a weapon. Period. That is asking for trouble.”

Not really. It’s legal there and he should be able to practice his state given rights. What’s stupid is that even black people uphold the double-standard for other black people that the law does. What’s stupid is that black men are seen as “stupid” for doing NOTHING illegal by their own people.

And when you are done with the mortgage you actually own the property. You also have more rights to the property with a mortgage, for example.. all the rights of ownership.

 I’ve been to the Blacksonian twice and saw nary an homage to the jheri curl. For shame.

Hi, Todd!

Please ungrey me