
Who gets carrot cake for the office birthday cake? I thought that there was an unwritten rule that office bday cakes were to be of the yellow, white or chocolate variety with too damn much icing and wonky writing. Allowances can be made if the bday person wants carrot cake but then you switch to cupcakes or something

I’ve never been able to use the applicator in a way that is not awkward and uncomfortable. I haven’t tried OBs and I mostly stick to disposable or reusable pads. I think applicator-less tampons would be the way to go. It doesn’t seem like it would any more messy than shoving a plastic syringe-y object in my vagina and

The issue seems to be that the Met has to approve someone showing up in what is essentially historical cosplay and either being mistaken for an actual employee, damaging something, or generally being in the way. Especially since this was on a day when the Met is packed. The three ladies mentioned aren’t in costume -

I was not aware that cosplayers were a protected class.

That seems like the reasonable thing to do. It can be confusing to have random costumed people roaming about who may or may not be mistaken for museum employees or who may or may not become disruptive or a distraction for other museum patrons. Just ask first.

Is this from one of those custom t-shirt websites like Zazzle? I know there’s been controversy before because the stock models they use tend to mostly be white. Which is how you end up with - that.

He’s both.

And it won’t just be locking up someone with a mental health diagnosis. It will devolve into labeling and possibly locking up ‘potentially dangerous’ individuals like the weird, socially awkward kid who draws scary comics or the bullied student that finally lashes out at someone. It’s a concept that can easily be

I will take a cold office over a hot one any day. One of the areas where I work is exceptionally warm today. I work in a dialysis unit and the machines generate a lot of heat on their own. So it’s nice and steamy and the floor staff are fanning themselves like old ladies in church. I have a fan on and, luckily, don’t

I switched out to leggings after I managed to get my sweat pants tangled up on a weight machine. Yes, it was suitably Inspector Clouseau-ian but it also proved that me+gym+loose fabric is a bad idea. Sweat pants are great for bumming around the house or running to the store. And I agree about the opaque test. If I can

Applebees have been struggling so I’m wondering if this incident just sped up the inevitable closing of this restaurant. I feel bad for the folks who are out of jobs. The fact that Applebees is offering employment at other - presumably not soon to close - locations is cold comfort if you don’t have transportation to

You’d think his superior intellect would have allowed him to understand the potential risks of openly writing something controversial that ends up reflecting poorly on his employer.

The book is a great read. Highly recommended

Al Capone started soup kitchens during the Depression. Plenty of drug dealers and gangsters do good works in their communities. They support local charities, put on parades, build schools and sponsor sports teams. Apparently before we moved into the neighborhood one of the local drug dealers paid to plant trees and to

A lot of people buy into the theory that allegations against famous black men are part of some larger conspiracy to bring down famous black men while simultaneously believing that the victims are just in it for the money. It’s a steaming pile of conspiracy theory, slut shaming, and misogynoir.

I remember reading that the owners of the Amityville house eventually got rid of the iconic picture window, hoping to make the house less noticeable.

Even if they knew, it doesn’t change the fact that Africans sold other Africans into slavery because Europeans needed slaves. Europeans created a lucrative business because they needed slaves to work plantations, provide domestic labor, and generally meet their needs. Usually whenever anyone brings up the fact that

When I worked at social services years ago, the financial assistance workers would often shit talk clients who came in looking ‘too nice’. Basically in their minds, how poor could the person be if they had their hair done or drove a nice car. But if a person came in looking wrecked - messy hair, dirty clothes, etc -

If I get a box of chocolate without the legend thing in it, I usually poke the bottoms to figure out what’s inside. My husband thinks it’s hilarious but is also annoyed that he often ends up with the coconut and raspberry ones.

I wonder if this was a sort of independent project situation? Probably not but I’d like to think that no actual instructor looked at this premise, the horribly outdated source materials, and the study methodology in general and said ‘run with it’.