
That’s some lazy 5th - 6th grader work right there. Done the Sunday before the project was due while your parent yells at you that you should have done it sooner. My mom would have have pissed if I thought I was going to embarrass her with this sort of half-assed nonsense. And she would have been annoyed about the way

Traditional college at least offers a degree and the possibility of a career. Still potentially scammy depending on the field of study, career opportunities, and the economy. This is more like an online diploma mill but without the possibly useless degree. Just more money paid out by people who really can’t afford it.

This is a chance to see an original black superhero headlining a blockbuster movie. Not a second-tier character (Blade) sidekick (Falcon), not a lesser copy (Steel), and not a somewhat comedic attempt (Meteor Man). I’m not trying to shit on those movies but the fact that Black Panther debuted in 1966, is the first

People like this don’t target people who are already successful. They target people who are struggling, the people who want to do better but can’t ever seem to get there, and the people who are struggling to pay off bills. Those are people most likely to want increased financial freedom but who lack the

And a lot of these snake oil sales people really push people to sign up. You need this. You need to invest in yourself. You need to pay money up front to make money long term. Basically beg, borrow, or steal in order to buy into this system that is supposed to lead to economic success. And if it doesn’t work at first,

Is anything else in the store locked up? If not then only locking up the black/ethnic hair care products looks suspiciously racist. Especially when you consider the other items that are usually stolen like deodorant, body wash, razors, baby formula or soap powder. In my travels, I’ve never come across a Wal-Mart or

Unfortunately, even before becoming part of UM, Maryland General (Mid-town’s old name) had an unspoken reputation for treating and streeting people. It actually happened to my mom about 15 years ago while I was living out of state. She had pneumonia. She had been in the hospital for a couple of days and that Friday,

I think it’s because there’s this perception that since a lot of black men can’t or won’t provide those things, then a black woman who wants those things is being selfish, unrealistic, and only sees men as walking wallets. This attitude seems to be pretty prevalent among the hoteps, especially the ones who say they

I chimed in on that discussion on Facebook and was basically told that, since I accepted an inexpensive ring, I must not value myself. My response was that a person could buy you a $500,000 ring and still not value you. The cost and quality of the ring aren’t necessarily the point. The point is that the person is

I closed out my BOA account in November. I had been with them for years, mostly due to sheer laziness but the $12 fee was the final straw. It’s just such a money grubbing technique and it’s a surefire way for them to collect even more in overdraft fees. The stupid thing is that, since it apparently took a month for

Because of course it’s better to be dependent on someone else to buy you things than to want to buy things on your own. Then again, making you financially dependent means that you probably aren’t going to complain or walk away when the dude fucks up.

I loved making Steak-um stirfry. Same basic recipe except no bun, mustard or mayo. Instead we’d add soy sauce and hot sauce then serve it up with some rice. Or over some ramen. I swear we lived on that when I was in grad school. When you’re on a budget, you get creative. I have a box of Steak-um in the freezer right

A lot of clergy got to see the end result of unplanned or unwanted pregnancies and generational poverty up close and personal through charitable work. It’s surprising given the standard anti-abortion stance of today but there seemed to be a greater amount of empathy and understanding in re: to the world we actually

Abortion is part of that whole personal responsibility equation. It’s not responsible to carry to term a pregnancy that will result in a child that you don’t want or cannot take care of. Or are you of the ‘babies are a punishment for your actions’ crowd?

Like the guys who on one hand complain about black women getting degrees, focusing on their careers, and refusing to date handyman projects because apparently that means we’ve turned our backs on black men and the family. Then on the other hand, they complain about women who just want a guy around to pay their bills

It really does seem like a lot of pressure. I’ve met some couples that have traditional gender roles and it only seems to work when there’s actually shared responsibility and support not the man makes all of the decisions unilaterally while the wife sits back (or makes him a sandwich). Basically the man is the head of

I’ve met a lot of wannabe ‘submissive’ women. They seem to fall into two camps. The ones that really, deeply believe that following every request or demand from their husband, doing everything for him, and generally letting him do whatever he wants is 1) his due as a man because that’s what religion says and 2) what

My thought exactly.

They could have at least gotten out the silvery plastic ones. That looks like the cheapo plastic ware in my job’s lunchroom.

I would take this more seriously if Mo’Nique was coming into this fresh off of a successful movie, show or non-televised comedy special. Then she would have the leveraging power to demand more money. But she’s not. Mo’Nique has pretty much been flying below the radar. Her career stalled a few years ago following her