
You’re right. We do get upset when we’re not made welcome. It sucks to be cut off from educational, professional and networking opportunities because of skin color or sex or any other characteristic. It sucks to have to always worry about being too black for the situation and worried that some concerned citizen is

I had a white friend once ask my husband and I how she could use her white privilege to help black people. My suggestion was that she use her white privilege to help herself first since she and her husband were pretty much living hand to mouth and on the verge of eviction.

Sadly there are plenty of other people - including black women - that are more than okay with viewing these girls and women as, at best, willing participants and at worst sluts and gold diggers.

That’s my biggest problem with preferences, that it becomes just another way to shit on people that you have problems with. I don’t think that preferring a particular type of person makes someone an asshole. Trying to justify that preference by airing all of your grievances against the people that you’re not

The problem isn’t just that the men were asked to leave. It’s not even clear if a manager even approached them. It’s that a manager at Starbucks - a place that is notoriously friendly to laptop hobos and wifi moochers of every stripe - felt the need to call the cops on two men who were doing what people do all of the

Tale as old as time - money, material goods, and the prospect of a better life can make the oldest, scraggliest person doable.

Are these the same people waiting for coal mining jobs to come back? Or are these the folks who consider themselves worthy of welfare because they’re hardworking people who just happen to be down on their luck while black/brown people on social services are nothing but lazy parasites?

It’s the arrogance of someone who’s never really had to face real consequences for what they say. If you’re in your comfortable bubble where people either don’t say anything when you bust out some bigoted nonsense or happily co-sign said nonsense, the idea that other people - including your bosses - might have a

I’m not a kid person but I don’t expect parents to chain themselves to the house until their kid is out of the toddler stage. My biggest issue is parents who do nothing to control their spawn. Throwing things, running around, screaming like they’re being fed into a woodchipper? Those things are not appropriate and you

So we had the chance to have a live action Gundam/Gunbuster movie complete with kids piloting giant death machines and up with a lesser Transformers movie.

Saw this posted on Facebook with the usual comments about how she should have obeyed the dress code and how girls always show too much skin. Will there ever be a time when some folks won’t use any excuse to criticize girls or to blame them for the reactions of the boys/men around them? In fact several of these folks

It makes sense. One thing I’ve noticed doing social work in various medical settings for the last 15 years is that there is a lot of mistrust of medical professionals and a serious resistance to lifestyle changes. Combine that with environmental stressors, genetic predisposition, food access, and the perception of

It’s one thing to want to present yourself well for your own sake. Ideally no one wants to to look like a loud-mouthed, ill-mannered idiot who seems to think that work appropriate = club wear. It’s politics when it becomes a constantly shifting way to judge, generalize and dismiss people or when people are held to

You’d think that by now people would realize that the whole respectability politics game is ultimately a no win situation. No matter how well spoken, how neatly dressed, how polite, or non-threatening, some folks are going to judge you based on their own ideas about your race/gender/etc...Living life to try to please

Go buy yourself some Barbies, girl! They’re collectables, not toys. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Jumping on the Jitterbug bandwagon. It’s designed for seniors and is very easy to use. I have a couple of clients whose kids got them smartphones and they usually end up asking other patients or staff members to help them make calls because it’s just too fiddly.

Can’t speak for every woman but for me orgasms definitely help with period cramps and, ironically enough, headaches. We’re pretty much down for period sex unless the cramps are too bad or I have some other issues going on (back pain, general blahness and wanting to be left alone) but I totally understand why some

Not surprising at all. The idea that slavery magically ended after the Emancipation Proclamation is laughably naive at best. At worst it is purposefully ignoring the fact that a system as ingrained as slavery was would not and could not just go away. It just changed names on paper

When people talk about AR15s for home defense I always wonder what kind of situations they get into. Your use makes sense. If a hog or two is running towards you, you want to be able to take multiple shots quickly rather than having to stop and reload. You also don’t want the hogs to be right up on you before you can

These people have their own version of the ‘good ole days’ when women stayed home, no good women had sex before marriage, there was no such thing as gay people, and abortions either didn’t exist or was something that no good woman would need/do.