
I’m waiting for a watershed case that sets precedent to keep this kind of frivolous, SLAPP-esque thing from happening, but it’s hard to imagine any legal team recommending going up against Nintendo - even with a clear-cut case, Nintendo would drag it out and make it fabulously expensive.

I’m sure the channel owners themselves have it. Nintendo didn’t literally snap the video from existence (although they might wish they could).

Nintendo really ought to consider bringing in some legal/PR consulting as they’re doing a lot of damage to their own reputation with these kinds of moves. Sure the outrage is mostly contained in our niche nerd circles, but we talk to our peers. Eventually people will start to see the mean spirited bully behind the

Just in the 21st century? Optimist. (to be fair, life has gotten better historically, it just hasn’t gotten better enough to get us out of awful)

I’m sometimes here in the comments pointing out parts of copyright law that give Nintendo the right to do things like this.

I dont give a shit about the law. We should know better than to let financially large parties abuse their wealth and power to silence information they dont want people to know.... this is basic social good type stuff.


I mean... maybe, but they shouldn’t have to.

You’re not wrong, but it comes down to the individual, I think. I could pay 70 dollars per game (actually I could pay 157.45 and I know how this sounds), but I refuse. I refused to pay 60 dollars too. 50 is my absolute maximum. If that means I have to wait 2 or 3 years, that’s fine. There is not one game that would

DidYouKnowGaming is amazing and it is content like this that captures potential lost history of the game making process and ideas that should be preserved as well as the games themselves.

Champion Alder from Unova would have something to say about that:

The Main Menu is kind of funny to me because it reminds me of the fake console menu in Assassin’s Creed Unity from 8 years ago

Seems like UI designers are all subscribing to the same bad UI styles these days. Horizontal UI scrolling is found all over in Halo Infinite as well and I do not like there either.

And sure, this isn’t the first time a publisher has shipped nearly empty discs

Yeah, we’re not getting another Mirror’s Edge. DICE had to beg EA to greenlight Catalyst and that sold poorly, so the IP is effectively dead. I guess we could theoretically get a remaster or remake, though ME still looks good today so I’m not sure where the value in that would be.

THIS is the reason they are canceling, typically in the past where you had same model card’s in this case 80 series, with 2 differing ram amounts they used the same core so all the internal components are more or less the same. This time however the lower ram card was using a totally different core, one that in nVidia

GTX 780 - $649

Almost all the coverage I saw criticized them heavily for the two different 4080s. canceling it makes sense.

I mean, the die size on the 4080 12 GB suggested it was just a rebranded 4060 that they were asked 900 bucks for. People calling their bluff probably made it tough to sell it at that price point.

EVERYONE SHOULD BUY THE GAME when they emulate Switch games or games you can still easily buy for reasonable prices especially.