
@Cochese 2.0: Hmmm.. sounds like you're just spoiled with those easy access PCs.. most PCs that I've encountered are no more easy or difficult to open up than the iMacs. A few screws here and there, pop a panel off, and there's the innards.

@PossibleCabbage: Yeah.. I mean if he started off perfect to begin with, there wouldn't be any character growth throughout the film. I get that people like consistency, but static characters make for boring films... why don't people understand this?

@RizzRustbolt: It seems that people who haven't read a comic book find it hard to accept a super hero who's a real, flawed person, rather than some perfect do-gooder.

Where do they expect people to put this? Even if people put their TV on the floor, which I don't think most people do.. it will still raise the viewing angle to an uncomfortable height.

@Cochese 2.0: Lol no there's no children at university but I was thinking of when I was back in school and the same problem happened then too.

@WheresTheSpleenAgain?: Yeah.. I was looking at the stats and thinking it was a pretty good deal until I saw the phrase 'integrated graphics'. I don't care if it's not aimed at gamers or 3D modellers, it's got such a thin form factor that if someone changes their mind a couple years down the line, they can't add a

@Cochese 2.0: The problem with having towers underneath desks is that idiots and small children tend to kick them a lot.

@Christo Acosta: Not really that misleading, considering there was a picture of a cat right next to it and it wasn't mark NSFW..

@Desu-San-Desu: I didn't say I added the word 'definitely', I said I added the emphasis on the word 'but'.. as in, I added the bold highlight, which is what I was referring to.

@Robert Anhalt: You're right.. if only we had some kind of magical device that could transmit images through the air, then they wouldn't have had to undertake such a dangerous task.

@Samo: That's what I was thinking too.. and also, the first one mentioned is 'Snow Cam', not 'Snow Cap'. All the other ones have 'cam' after their name, so why would this one be any different?

@nctrns: Yup, that's the one.. he puts it to a number of fun uses, including popping popcorn xD

@Lawdog: As if we needed more motivation to switch to email... =P

@pandaSmore: Hehe first time I read your post I thought the last sentence was incomplete.. doh...

@Accelerata: Exactly! You put it so much better than I did.. the statements don't contrast each other at all.. so yeah, it's a bit confusing.