
"For the past few years, everybody's been saying that during a shitty economy, people would want fun and escapism. But this year, movie-goers definitely seemed to punish any movie that promised a post-apocalyptic world, or a dystopian hell..."

@V: Bitter much?

@matttrick: Yeah, well.. if we assume that anything bad could happen at any time for any reason, there's absolutely no chance for us at all, regardless of whether aliens invade or not.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: I know it's not really possibly to comment on an alien species motivations, but you'd think if they'd been a technological space-faring race for nearly 10 billion years, they'd have better things to do than invade Earth.

@Jesse_Astle: Nah that was an F16 Fighter, and the shields on the entire ship were down, not just one that section.. it might seem like a dumb One Big Weakness, but think about it; that area is where they fire their main weapon from. If this was a human device, it would be roughly where all the ammunition was stored,

@nctrns: Thanks for mentioning "The Road Not Taken", I'd never heard of it before... sounds like a fascinating story!

@MadiRuss: Hehe thanks for the qualifying statement below.. otherwise I would have thought you were almost serious about Skyline! =S

@Anekanta - Re-Socialized Killbot: Well it's never made explicit that they're connected with Blue Sun, but River does seem to hate everything to do with Blue Sun and she utters the phrase about blue hands while ripping labels off of Blue Sun food cans.

@Caturday Yet?: Hehe.. if they produce an app that shoots portals I am getting an iPhone so fast..

@Caturday Yet?: Seeing as how this is a post about robots, I think they're afraid it might spark off the whole 'Is Chell An Android?' argument again..

@PelicanHazard: If they're like Legion, I would be both happy and incredibly scared.

@CarrerCrytharis: Isn't Spiral power dangerous though? What if the anti-Spirals come for us? =O

@cheeseycom: Damn, just noticed someone did this a bit further down the page.. with the same picture. Damn you people of the internets! I thought I was being clever..