Sorry. I still don’t know any of these people.
Everyone should just let people plan their own damn weddings and you know, SHUT UP.
To be completely honest due to the fact that I have a business and I need to make money, I’ve seriously considered going into the wedding biz because BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. *insert relevant Dr. Evil/Mr. Burns GIF*
I don’t know. Everyone likes a good poop, and that would be taking care of bizness.
D infinity!
I think it’s because he’s deprived, unexperienced, and culturally unaware of many of the things around him because of his upbringing. Now that he’s a grown adult, he’s tempted like a 13 year old boy because he was never educated on issues related sex.
I’ve never even heard of this university...
Thanks for saving my life. I COULD’VE DIED!
Ugh. What a stupid fucker.
One of them is heavily related to my job so fuck ‘em all. I guess I can’t have a career, huh?
Pretend D.J.
Has she changed her nose again? I’m really wondering and not being snarky or..whatever.
Yeah, because this movie would totally get attention from a bunch of no-namers /sarcasm
That dress is ugly as hell.
Oh god. I’m kind of doing the opposite — hating everything she does and likes based on the things I’ve found out through social media. Including making up a story about how people who smile a certain way (like she does) creeps the shit out of me. I have no idea why I’m doing this. But real talk...he dated this girl…
I really want a sandwich now. A HAMM SANDWICH.
Me too....Me too. Also, the occasional cross posting does not help.