
Remember that episode of the “West Wing” where someone tried to sue the President for an sudden and horrifying accident? To paraphrase, people “have to go somewhere” with their grief and anger over catastrophic events in their lives. Faded hope sometimes turns to anger and bitterness, and with nowhere to direct it, it

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

I have FEELINGS, about THINGS, and that means SOMETHING!

I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.

And for me to get so upset here, on the Today show, with you guys, means there’s something there.

celebs don’t have to be role models. they don’t have to be politically aware. they don’t have to be rational and intelligent.

Yeah but that article, I mean holy shit that was enormously long for such little impact. Good lord, long form journalism does not require simply listing every instance of the subject! God, I was sweeping forever just to see what the conclusion was. Also to add that my wife is a super hard core high function/achiever

You certainly could be right, at least to some extent. There was a common joke during that era that went something like, “I got so mad at my wife that I went to spank her, but then when I had her bent over my knee I couldn’t remember what I was angry about.” So, the erotic implications were certainly available.


Thanks for this... those years help support the point I was going to make (that I’m a bit surprised isn’t mentioned above). This was probably largely a way to sneak in sexual content under Hays Code guidelines.

This really is punching down especially since he wouldn’t answer her. She had a good response to this.

Riiiight?!?!? They are giving two variations of WTF face.

Names and pronunciations are sort of culturally slippery, aren’t they? I occasionally have a Middle Eastern student in one of my classes and I always feel bad. In many cases, I know from my travels how their name would be pronounced in their home countries, and I’m pretty good at those pronunciations. But it would

Fuckers couldn’t even get “energy” right. No way they can handle Benjamin.

RE: Giri vs Girl, kerning matters, dog:

I think you and I know that most people are nowhere near clever to pull out anything but the first and third ones.

i mean i think this is a language thing vs a white not white thing, too. because us jews have hebrew names and it’s usually easier to use that name in israel than our english name.

Which one?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why he didn’t say somewhere in the article that it’s pronounced “Giddy,” or “Gitty.” But he did say it rhymes with “ditty” or “P. Diddy,” so that’s how I know.