She’s no MO
She’s no MO
It sucks that their children are estranged, but it’s a brilliant idea. Even if it doesn’t work on Mike and/or Emily Jones, there are other Scientologists who have been forced to cut ties with their families, they might see the billboard and be inspired to reconnect.
Desperate to reach their kids. I’m sure if they could have done it privately it would have been just fine with them.
“a child is not a christian child, not a muslim child, but a child of christian parents or a child of muslim parents. this latter nomenclature, by the way, would be an excellent piece of consciousness-raising for the children themselves. a child who is told she is a ‘child of muslim parents’ will immediately realize…
Look it’s not black and white. Glass houses you know!
Two Los Angeles parents have posted a billboard in the Echo Park neighborhood hoping that it will grab the attention…
I know. I'm excited about this but it won't be the same. And it will be sad to see how they write him out of the show.
I am so happy to hear this. Sookie and Jackson are two of my favorite Star’s Hollow residents. I’m re-watching the series and I keep getting bummed out when I think that Richard isn’t going to be in the reboot. It won’t be the same.
So the finale was kind of fun because there was just so much: so many medleys, so much belting, so many things to plug...
But I really have to applaud who ever came up with the David Bowie tribute being performed by five former American Idol winners, all of them white guys and all of them playing guitar. It was sort of…
Her expression...that’s all.
Surprise crossover! It’s going to be called Fast and Fury(Road 2) 8
She is so amazingly, eternally beautiful.
Definitely. I’m currently incubating one myself and this kills me. We had a blood test done right at the end of the first trimester (can’t really get it done much beforehand) and of the genetic anomolies it screens for, Down’s is the best case scenario. All of the others are a death sentence if not in the run up to…
it’s not just the burial issue, either.
ROGER STERLING IS A FOX. don’t you dare sully his beautiful face and body by comparing him to my evil governor!
They’re basically imposing Christian-approved burial methods on everyone. Like...I’m donating my body to science when I die. If my SO or a close family member dies without a will, I’d have to decide what happens to the body. But with this law, you can’t do the same of a fetus. On top of all the other reasons why this…
No, Roger Sterling was handsome. Mike Pence is a clod.
Should I bury my tampons/period underpants also, just in case there was a fertilized egg in their that didn’t manage to implant itself in my uterine wall? What if I bleed into my toilet? Do I have to scoop the contents out and bury that, too?
Any chance some of these “genetic abnormalities” are the kinds of conditions that cause babies to live very short, very painful lives?
Planned Parenthood has filed suit against Indiana for a new anti-abortion law, arguing that it’s blatantly…