sad that someone sliced off the front of her body
It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.
I’ve heard that take on things, but I really don’t think that’s it. I think the flyover states think New York is some debaucherous hell-town full of prostitutes and drug lords
I just posted them too...they’re artists and activists from the Bronx called Rebel Diaz. You’re judging them based on what they’re wearing? Seriously?
For the record when people say “New York Values” they mean white and black and brown people living next door to each other. Gays freely walking the streets and going to bars to enjoy themselves. Muslims, jews, christians, atheists, all shopping, dining, etc together. Everyone living the lives they want without trying…
Fair Maiden—forever it is that I shall love you. And fear not, for your heart too shall find its true course. Your magic is powerfully special. Godspeed, thy nonage. No fatties.
And from a goddamn prehistoric Milady, no less.
Signed Nichard Namirez
I love how so many of these men describe themselves in the negative: “not short, not fat”, etc. It’s as though they are saying “Hey, I meet the bare minimum, now stop being so damned picky and let’s bone”.
Okay. Another liberal article whining about African Americans being jailed at a higher rate. UGH! The prison system isn’t as bad as everyone is making it out to be! They HELP people learn and change and grow.
Yes, the first thing that struck me was that she looked really unhappy.