
This dress!!!! I die.
I was rewatching Marilyn’s Last Days on Youtube this week. She was absolutely luminous in that Something’s Got to Give footage. I’ve rarely seen a star with such screen presence, she’s impossible to look away from (maybe it’s my major girl crush talking though)

I’m an anime fan and I’m white af. If I want to see a live action adaptation of a Japanese piece of media, I want to see Japanese, or at least, Asian, people in the roles. Most weebs like me feel the same.

No it didn’t. My point, a sarcastic one, deals with perfectly gorgeous women like Any Schumer being declared plus size.

New business idea: buy black fishnets, say they were once Marilyn Monroe’s, sell them on eBay to pervs who want to defile them.

Sadly, that’s because Americans most likely wouldn’t go see a mostly Japanese live-action GitS.

So brave of her being a plus size model.

My experience, as a biracial woman who knows a lot of white people, has been the exact opposite. I’v never known a white person to stay away from a movie, tv show, etc because a character was a person of color - I’ve known quite a few who stayed away because a character of color was played by a white person or because

Honestly, I think that if they wanted to go with Scarlett Johansson, they might as well set the movie in the United States instead of Japan. It would make a lot more sense IMO.

Is there any hard proof that white people stay away from movies with non-white main characters? Or is it just an assumption made by producers. Because in my own personal experience as a white woman I’ve never avoided a film because the characters didn't share my skin colour.

Yellowface is yellowface even if it’s CGI.

Hollywood has learned nothing, ever. The most hypocritical bunch of self congratulatory, pompous, faux progressive assholes on the planet.

No, just that “Mercado” means market.

Did you see Sam Bee’s piece on how poor women have trouble affording diapers for their kids? And how Republicans think these women shouldn’t be able to pay for diapers with food stamps? And if you can’t afford to buy diapers, you probably should have thought about that before you went and got yourself pregnant, slut?

Kylie doesn’t even look like Kylie.

I would add to your bill an amendment where they would have to make a Cersei Lannister Walk of Shame in their birthday suits with women throwing used tampons and pads at them.

You have my vote.

“Between 40 and 50 percent of all African-American babies are killed before they’re born. A Hispanic child is three times more likely to be aborted than a white child.”

I want to run for Congress, win and draft a bill to make it legal for American citizens to punch these guys in the dick.

I am currently in the middle of planning a wedding and, by and large, it is not the gigantic struggle that everyone makes it out to be. I say “no” to things I don’t want and pay for the things I do. Revolutionary.