
Well, you know, back when Bernie had ties to the civil rights movement, he wasn’t a politician either, so if he gets praise for his work pre-politics, ummmmm, shouldn’t Clinton as well? I mean, that would mean your argument would have to have merit but ...

Why is it that organizations so often have people who are at most a couple years out of college running their social media outreach? Few things have the potential to get you in as deep of shit!

Ben Carson had me wondering if brain surgery was actually all that hard.

“Don’t think about the budget!” — Martha Stewart, millionaire.

“That is not a good thing” by Martha.

it would be gold. “Things Martha doesn’t like”

“It’s gorgeous. I just think it’s a little rigid.”

I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.

My husband’s friend shot this whole season and his Martha moments are pretty fricken awesome. Verdict: BAD BITCH

So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?

Good for them. One thing I can say is the kids at Sidwell seem to be pretty cool. You really don’t get a lot coming out about Sasha and Malia. Seems like they are protected there by the staff and other students. Chelsea Clinton went here too and it was the same. $38K a year sheesh...I wonder if they got a sibling

He was used to that vitriol whilst a private citizen. Racism isn't anything new to black people in the Americas. I think it shocked white people, who thought the presidency ought to be treated with more respect. The reality is that race and racism are in the foundation of the Republic. Unless we have a time machine,

For all the hate, vitriol, subtle and overt racism that was aimed at this man over the last eight years, did he not handle it with uncommon grace and dignity? I never asked President Obama to be a perfect President, such a thing is an impossibility. But he played the long game, never panicked, never showed fluster,

As great as "Senior Year" Obama is, I love "Dad" Obama the most

Sometimes i like to take acid and/or do cocaine at parties instead of drink. It results in fun times and makes the drunkness of everyone around you seem more entertaining than offputting.

I grew up with a alcoholic parent, and at a very young age I remember promising myself I would never drink alcohol. And I never have. I have no judgement on those who do—I just know its not for me.

Don’t be the “Why aren’t you drinking?” guy at the bar who won’t let it go. There’s always one and he’s an asshole. Sample quotes:

I quit drinking about a year ago and have found that my desire to be around more than a few people at a time in a social setting went out the door with the booze. If I find myself in any kind of party setting, I just smoke a bunch of weed and make friends with the dog. Drunk people are the worst.