
The problem is that the vast majority of interns are white.

Is it possible that ... he actually is so white that it’s contagious? Maybe there *were* several African-Americans and Latinos in the group, but after repeated Ryan exposure, they TURNED WHITE?

Hey, speaking of weirdo photos ... Where is his daughter in the mirror??? And who is the boy who appears in the mirror but not the photo???? Demons? Crazy camera photos? Proof of extraterrestrial life? It’s hard to say.

Holy shit. It’s a sea of whiteness.

He blinded me with whiteness!

Guys, Paul Ryan doesn’t see color.

Except she was married off as a child to a far older, abusive man who threatened to throw acid on her face for being so beautiful and regularly beat her. I don’t think being upper class offers the sort of protection you think it does.

“The upper classes live a lifestyle much closer to those in western culture”...apparently not. It turns out (as you describe), folks in South Asia use the term “overdramatic” in the same way people in the West do.

Jessamina is weirdly invested in minimizing this pretty awful reaction, and I don’t get why.

“Even told colleagues what a bad actor she was.”

That felt wrong to me, too. It’s so very very much not the same thing.

“Hailed as Pakistan’s Kim Kardashian”

MISOGYNY is poison and it kills women by the thousands every day. Take the fundamentalism away, you will still have misogyny. It finds a different container (viz Atheist bros). MISOGYNY is everywhere in every belief and non-belief system. It’s bigger than fundamentalism by far. I’ll die fighting this war and it won’t

“Thought she was being overdramatic.”

You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist

Fuck. I have brothers who are religious and not at all feminists, and we’ve gotten into fights when they express sexist sentiments and such... but goddamn, I cannot even fathom this. Honor killings are atrocious and incomprehensible. Whatever your feelings about someone’s behaviour and views... that’s your fucking


“Thought she was being overdramatic”.