
Dog bites man is not news. Dog bites pig, now that’s news!

Maybe he didn’t get that thing you sent him?

WEEESSSSTEROS where the ice and fire comes sweeping down the Reach!

As far as names go, y’all heard of T.O. Morrow?

Good to see the old AV Club bits living on


wtf is starz lol

Godzilla said that Alison Brie wasn’t really all that cute, so Kong has to kill him.  

They are rivals for the affections of Mothra. Its a Popeye/Bluto thing :)

You obviously haven’t seen the better HS Marching Bands in this country.

I don’t think the reviewer was trying to insult his intelligence, just that the writing is awkward? “Scoring high in intelligence” is a line better describing an RPG character, not a human being. Like, better to just say he’s “educated” or “graduated from X” to emphasize his smarts.

He looks like he’s both a sailor and a ballet dancer and terrible at both

Thomas Middleditch description dunking thread:

It's The Masked Singer, so...yes?

Wait, what? Beards are definitely in and he looks AWESOME.

It was sharon all along.

All prescience is eerie just like all failure is miserable.

I too enjoyed the Mandarin twist in IM3 but I’m also of the opinion that MCU/Star Wars fans are way too precious and could stand to be trolled a bit more by creators, so I’m not the best person to ask.

Don’t forget to buy war bonds!

Gonzo’s not rapey. he treats that chicken like a queen!